Chapter 2.3.2: The stone

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I found myself now frantically scampering in the dark- without Dante's flames lighting the way, it became strikingly clear how dark it was in this passage way. Nonetheless I still used what limited sight I had to clumsily make my way down the hall, hearing the moonlit rogue shriek after me. This guy really didn't give up did he...? Though I supposed it wasn't all a bad thing, at least this would have given Harriet and Dante a good chance to hide somewhere until I could either find a way out or alert somebody... the problem now was just where was I going to be able to find either of those things and would I even make to these places without being murdered...

My thoughts were cut up as in my blind panic in the dark I tripped up over my own feet, falling to my feet- urgh, that hurt... this wasn't good- If I wasn't careful that man right really catch me... I stesdily got back to my feet, hearing the rogue's voice approach closer- was I actually going to be able to lose him at this rate?

"Hey are you lost?"

My eye's widened to the sound of a voice from beside me... I looked around in a frantic, wondering just who it was, when I realised that despite this darkness I was back at the split in the hall me and Dante were lost in earlier... my eyes kept looking around the place, when it was then from behind me, I saw a woman standing from the hallway I had a bad feeling about earlier... She was a woman who had long pitch black wavy hair, who wore a very elegant red and bright dress for someone who also now appeared to be stuck in the underground- was she one of the manors guests who got stuck down here like me? She was almost too beautiful to be real, I don't think I had laid eyes on anyone so pretty before... For some reason her hazel coloured eyes looked a little familiar... though it could just be to how bright he dress was, but she seemed rather lit up in contrast to the darkness of the room.... For a moment, I was at a loss- not really understanding who she was or why she was hear... but as I heard the rogue's footsteps voice come nearer I then got to me feet.

"Excuse me miss, a dangerous person is coming down this way, so please run away, I'll do my best to lead him away from you!" I told her seriously, bowing at who was likely the manor's guest as the lady seemed to give me a fairly surprised expression. Before she then chuckled at my statement.
"Well you are an interesting person aren't you?" She mentioned, her response and calmness sort of taking me off guard. I'd expect with the loud noises coming down the hall and my warning, she'd be a little more alarmed... but instead she smiled at me, moving her head as though to tell me I should follow her.
"I see though, if you are worried, I know a way to get you and your friends out of here..." she told me, turning back down the hallway and starting to walk down it, much to my surprise. Wait- so she knew that Dante and Harriet were down here also? Maybe she had seen us walk down this hall before... I noticed she was walking down the darker hallway, and for a moment part of me hesitated... though it was as I saw a flicker of the rogues light in the walls and me realising there was no other option here, I decided to follow her down the hall- hearing the rogue and seeing him run straight down the opposite direction of the hall, seemingly thinking he was still chasing me...

At the very least I seemed to have lost him now- but now I had met myself with a weird circumstance... I was following some strange lady down this now dark hallway... she didn't really say much and in all honesty I didn't know what to say to her myself for a while too as we walked down the hall, even though I had many many questions... hadn't she been worried being locked down these passageways on her own? At least I had Dante and Harriet with me... also just how did she or the rogue get under here anyway? Moreso, who was she? This sudden change of events left me with way more questions than I had answers anymore... for all I knew she could be another bad guy working with the rogue... though somehow... the sort of atmosphere she gave off didn't strike me as a bad one...

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt