Chapter 2.3: The moonlit rogue

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Dearest mother and father in another world.

In this new life of mine, I have experienced many new things that I have never experienced before, I even have had the chance to experience those things over and over again....

Though out one of those experiences I had to repeat, being tied up and held against my will was not the one I wanted to redo...

Both me and Dante now found ourselves tied up within a large and dark underground hall way that was met with multiple tunnels.... Actually the supposed safe route I thought we were going to go down actually wound up leading to this place... though I was more stunned that such a place even existed to begin with- why the hell was there the equivalent of a huge hall beneath this manor, why was there so much thought and detail put into such a minor part of the plot anyway?!


"Geez, this part of the story is really boring don't you think?" A certain worn out game programmer mentioned, falling asleep at his desk as his diligent friend joining him on overtime nodded whilst tapping away at his computer.
"Yes and unfortunately we have written up all the coding for the rpg game we put into the script, so I do 't think there is much we can do there either fro spice things up..." He stated, looking at the png of a drawn manor house that was on his screen. "Surely you'd think they'd do something interesting with this place, I mean they commissioned a really good artist for it, what a waste of this person's talents..." he mentioned, feeling a little sympathetic for the person who had to design the look for the manor... Though his claim was quite suddenly interrupted by a clatter from behind him. His coworker had risen to his feet, a rather cunning grin on his face as he gripped tighter to a set of work notes he had in his hand...

Before then he proudly presented an elaborate set of floor plans to his coworker, smacking the paper merrily.
"Well who is to say we can't spice things up a little? It doesn't matter so long as it doesn't affect the script right?" The first programmer declared boldly as at first his partner seemed a little dazed at the idea.... Though it wasn't long for him to return the scheming smile his co worker held on his face as he perked up his glasses, the light of the computer in that dark room glinting off his glasses whilst he shared the symbol of their comradeship with a simple thumbs up....


The sound of the programmers I had made up in my kind for the sheer insanity of the small details of this game laughing obliviously sorta ticked me off... I swear if I ever had the chance to speak to the people who made this game...

From before us, the man who had captured us seemed to be pretty busy reading up on some books whilst muttering to himself.
"No... that doesn't seem right..." he mumbled as I watched him with a stiff smile. I felt like I had suddenly found myself met with some cultist...
"Say... Your highne- I mean Hugo... do you have any idea who this nutjob is?" I whispered over to him as Dante remained still for a bit... before he simply responded to me with a glare- yeeeah he really was not happy at all! In fact it was easy to assume he was fuming. He had been captured by some random hobo looking guy, made unable to use his own abilities and what's more the guy who captured us took extra precautions, making sure Dante was locked in magic restrictive chains he kept on him... with the current state of his arm as well... This entire time, he hadn't even spoken a single word to me... somehow it made me feel worse than when he was snapping at me. Though I suppose I couldn't blame him... I looked to the ropes now wrapped around my hands...afterall, if I wasn't stuck in this place with him, he probably would never be in this mess right now... Still it wouldn't hurt him to at least try to reply to some of my questions, I had no idea what on earth we were meant to do in a situation like this...

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now