Chapter 5.6: The balls conclusion

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Dear mother and father in another world...

"Right, it looks like all the tables are cleaned and accounted for..." The head maid muttered to herself as she checked a mark on a list she had been given, taking some time to really evaluate it once more before a crowd of staff who all looked at her expectantly. When she then propped her glasses up with a half hearted smile. "I think we are all done for the night! Well done girls!" She declared as there came a small array of cheering from the many maids before her, all of us relaxing after a long and exhausting evening!

The debut ball had finally come to an end, the aristocrats all leaving at a fashionable time in the evening so as to let the royals rest. Now it was just us staff awake after having a in depth clean around of the ballroom on people had left. Once Dante had gone back to his room the festivities for the aristocrats ended and they had fell into the hands of the people who worked hard to make them real during the night. There was an excited buzz in the air from all the staff who were looking forward to truly relax after working so hard for the past few days.

There came a jingling noise from a bell before all of us as Lord Eldesfair gained all of our attention with a smile.
"I want to thank you all for your hard work tonight! Thanks to your help, his highness had a very successful debut without many problems! His highness can hold his head high thanks to you all today, so as a sign of his and our gratitude, please feel free to spend the rest of the evening as you please and to help yourself to the left over food from the ball!" He announced to us all, officially declaring that the debut ball after party be held, the atmosphere of the ballroom becoming quite merry. Already maids and butlers were rushing off to go and get ready- though some had decided they were happy to go as they were, starting to start celebrating the moment the manor ball had been announced over. Even Lady Irian seemed to finally let loose, the frown that had been on her face to the maids for most the night turning to that of relief- if you squinted just right you could even see that her posture was actually not as straight as usual... which didn't sound like much but for the head maid it was a lot more rare than it should be. I couldn't blame her or the other staff for rushing into celebrating and relaxing- no longer were we being horded by multiple stuck up nobles who couldn't even get a drink for themselves. Lord Regalheim had long since left, apparently muttering something along the lines of the ball barely being passable for an event, though I had a feeling nothing would please him.

This too meaning that Dante's siblings all had since long left too! Not that I would have been able to say any goodbyes to them if I even wanted to. I glanced over to the large windows of the ballroom, to where the manor gardens were, the moon now being far out of eyeshot of the windows, far into the sky. I wondered if prince Emilio managed to get home safely... I mean he did sneak here, it could only make me wonder if he could get back without being caught... Though thinking of the moon... My expression became a little more disconcerted...

'Why don't you ask big brother about someone called Kaguya...'

That was another mystery to add to the long list of things to discover about the prince... I had heard that name now in two different instances recently, from Hugo and now from Emilio... Once was a surprise but twice now... it wasn't as though there weren't vaguely sounding Japanese names in this world- it was one made from an Japanese otome game afterall... but this one was rather specific... plus according to Emilio it was worth my interest investigating that name...

Then again, how much could I really trust the fifth prince... it wasn't really said or even shown directly... however I had a rather large hunch that he may not like me as much as he let on...

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now