Chapter 2:1 : The language barrier

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Dearest mother and father in another world!

I am happy to say that finally things have gone back to normal!!!

Mostly anyway...

Not long after the chaos on the roof , the storm that had been raging above us endlessly for a week finally had stopped. I never thought I would be so relieved to see the sunshine again... according to Sana, storms whilst big weren't all that common in this world, so we were most likely not going to see one again for a while which was a relief. Though part of me still dreaded what kind of ridiculousness waited in store for me in this world if storms weren't a big deal.

Also I had finally been given some real maid duties to do once more, as opposed to all the ridiculous stuff Dante had been making me do before. Albeit, that didn't mean I was completely free...

"Say pig girl, go an refill my tea pot, I'm thirsty!" Dante announced as he flicked through a book upon his vanity within his room- the room finally no longer having the ridiculous covers all over it. I dutifully picked up the tea pot and the tray from beside him, giving a small sigh.
"For the last time I am not pig girl..." I pointed out to him as Dante waved off my comment.
"I don't care, go do what I asked before I burn you..." he noted firmly as I gave a displeased expression to him. It was obvious that Prince Dante still did not like me and the same could be said back for me too... though surprisingly I had found myself able to be quite honest to him without any sort of repercussions... maybe he was worried I'd run atop the roof again? There came a rather muffled snort from beside us both as I looked to the young knight who had found this whole situation quite hilarious from the start, Sir Hugo. This appeared to be high quality entertainment to the knight...
"Would you also like a drink Sir Hugo?" I asked him as Hugo gave me a cheerful smile back.
"Yes, thank you Miss Silverston!" He replied as Dante spoke without looking from his book.
"Don't chuck the tea upon anybody if you know what is good for you..." he noted as I gave a strained smile. He didn't have to tell me that twice... Though I guess I owed it him to be careful... he did break his arm to stop me from falling.

"Hmm, if you ask me, it actually seems like Lord Eldesfair likes you!" Sana mentioned as I met up with her outside later that day on break whilst she was drying off mattresses from outside.
"I still feel the need to apologise for not being able to help with this Sana, sorry..." I mentioned, feeling guilty whenever I stared at the damp mattresses before I then shook my head, realising I got side tracked. "And are you sure? Because making me work with the prince who multiple times has tried to kill me seems almost like a death sentence..." I pointed out as Sana seemed to laugh faintly at this response.
"I don't know, but I feel like he wouldn't give you this sort of job unless he trusted you to some extent, I mean even Lady Irian was against it..." Sana explained as I recalled how deflated Lady Irian looked after her attempts to suade the lord were in vain. She really had far too much to deal with didn't she? Sana then tilted her head thoughtfully as she continued to waft her fan before the mattresses. "You know, since everything that happened on the roof, his highness hasn't caused any major issues since for other maids... I even heard from Felicia that if you are there he eats his meals..." Sana then pointed out cheerfully. Well that was mostly because I had been lecturing him if he wasn't eating them... Sana then gave me a warm smile. "I think that the lord noticed that you may be a positive influence Annie..." she noted...

A positive influence huh?

Maybe in making him actually eat his meal, but from my perspective he was still as obnoxious as ever...

However, there was a reason why I was still dutifully persisting with all of this...

Late at night I had sat up in my bed a book within my hand as I used the moons light coming through the window to write down some notes in the only language I knew how to write in Japanese. Thankfully thought my memories of the past world were still rather hazy, Japanese still came as second nature to me to write and read... though it wasn't like it would do me much good in this world... I sighed as I looked through my notes.

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now