Chapter 4.4: The affair 1

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Dear mother and father in another world,
What was the saying again? Good fortune for those who do good deeds, bad fortune for those who do bad?  I think am bearing witness to that right now!

So the inevitable train wreck that was Dante's plan had blown up in our faces quite spectacularly. I couldn't say that I didn't see this coming, in fact I was surprised by how close we had gotten to a good ending by the end of that whole charade but alas... only fools celebrate their hunt before hunting. 

Once again we were inside the office, though I was here at last as myself... and the supposed villainess myself of this plot. Upon seeing who I was after I fell Meridaya seemed to take a moment to process that I was not who I said I was... for a second I think she wanted to deny it.
"So.... your highness wears a wig?"
Were words uttered by her in pure denial I think... but as the reality dawned on her, so did her rage. I had thought that maybe my part in this was now over- however in the young nobles complete hysteria I had found myself once again dragged off against my will by the girl herself as though I was a bad kid being led off a stage in a messed up school recital.  Now me, Hugo, Marcello and a very angry Meridaya were sat within this same office in pure tense silence, the only sound being heard being the occasional huff and puff from Meridaya who didn't even try to look in my direction in her disdain.

Under such a tense atmosphere I couldn't even think up of the words to speak- the whole ordeal felt rather uncomfortable. In fact I don't think I would have spoken at all if not for Hugo cutting in the entire silence.
"Say Miss Silverston, you can leave if you like, we can sort everything else from here..." it appeared that Hugo had sensed how much discomfort I was in as he gave me the perfect opportunity to leave, much to my joy... a fleeting one... I gave an innermost sigh as I brought myself down a peg. Afterall even if I wanted to leave... I couldn't deny I did have a part in this, and leaving Hugo alone like this, I was afraid this girl would snap any second now.
"I-" I began to speak up when Meridaya cut in over me.
"I never gave either you or her the privilege to make such decisions did I mister knight?" She glared at Hugo who appeared to have met his match a little with the stubborn young lady. I mean I was going to reject anyway, but she had made my choice for me so it seemed. Hugo took a second to regain some composure before hitting her with his usual smile.
"In fairness Lady Meridaya, Miss Silverston didn't have too much to do with this scheme, so I think we should just talk about this with his highness..." Hugo told her as the girl didn't even bat an eyelash in turning his idea down.
"I wouldn't say pretending to be his highness was not having much to do with this... I want to hear it from her mouth not yours!" Meridaya snapped to the knight who was a little lost on how to work his way around such a demand... but it seemed upon recalling his own rank in the hierarchy of this room that the knight for once coincided, sitting back with a faint smile.
"As you wish Lady Meridaya..." he nodded as could only give a concerned expression to this action- I don't think I had been this knight be so quietly obedient outside of what he was like with his father. Speaking of which, was Lord Eldesfair even here...? I kinda worried to think what his reaction to this whole thing was, maybe even his laid backness would have limits... 

"Say.... that maid earlier... she called you Miss Silverston too, is that your name?" Meridaya questioned rather snappily to me, making me flinch- it was the first time she had actually tried to talk to me directly since simply yelling at me earlier and dragging me off without questioning.
"Oh- uh yeah... It's a pleasure to meet you my lady..." I bowed my head at her as Meridaya flicked her nose away from me haughtily.
"Hmph, hardly. So that maid earlier wasn't crazy, you even threw one of your own under the carriage for this evil plan huh? What a low life..." she commented snarkily with a very sour look on her face- no, I'd still argue that Harriet was certainly crazy by her own right however... I sighed a little- she was right, I had indeed done that. Right now I seemed to be faced with the pure front of the villainess and oddly enough, this felt almost very deserved- I had deceived her afterall... though I couldn't say that her attitude towards this whole ordeal didn't hit some rough spots- I dreaded to think what the protagonist truly went through if she was like this as a child when angry. "The fact that they got someone so tacky looking too, have you no shame..." she went on, with another firm glare at me as I felt the words tacky stick right through me- definitely some rough spots... though all I could do right now was apologise until she felt like letting me go.

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now