Chapter 6.3: Breaking down the wall 2

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Maybe not as unusual as the me now running around the Manor gardens in the pouring rain. It had been a short while since I had spoken to Hugo and the rain showed not a sign of letting up whilst I looked under the hedges and in the bushes of the manor gardens. By this point I had become completely soaked by the downpour of rain above me- the early autumn air making the damp cold brought with it all the more noticeable. Even though I had been looking thoroughly all this time however, I still didn't catch any trace of the puppy.
"Yoru! Yoru please come out!" I yelled out for the dog with an ever-increasing look of concern in my eyes. This was hardly the weather for the small puppy to be out in, especially if anything had happened...

I toured my way round more of the hedge ways; looking before I stopped momentarily to take room for air as I investigated where I now stood... still nothing...

It was as I realised this that I couldn't help my eyes darting over to the direction where the village would be from here- the steeple of Fia villages clock tower barely being visible from this very far distance. So far it didn't seem as though anything had happened... at least from the manor it didn't anyway... I was gripping onto the hope that despite my detour- I still had some time to make it so the event flag wouldn't trigger... however the longer I waited... the more likely it was that I wasn't going to make it. That's if something hadn't happened already- this thought weighed over me like a dark cloud that only grew heavier on my heart as I walked around. I couldn't put Yoru over the people of the village... but if I couldn't save Yoru either... I didn't know what to do with myself...

It was as my fears began to surge along with the sight of the tower steeple that my eyes traced away from the sky far off from the manor and down to the area that was now before me.

In front of me was a part of the manor gardens I had walked past a few times- one I had often seen it from the manor fact I had even been up close to it before- this was the very place that Dante had once demanded I walked up to carrying a metal pole over my head. At the time- I was too panic stricken by the horrifying lighting storm above me, that could rain hell on me in any second, to really take the statue much mind... however I guess now because I was truly looking round the area to see any sign of the puppy nearby- it gave me a chance to really look at it for what it was.

The statue had always been one of a lady holding onto a flower with her one hand- the cloths draping around her arms and the dress that trailed behind her flowing away like they were flames flickering off of her. She held a rather peaceful expression on her face despite this- it had always confused me a little...though I supposed there was meant to be some artistic meaning behind it. It didn't appear too surprising for the royals to have a random statue in their garden- I mean I had seen no end of statues around the manor that were just there more or less to fill out space. Yet... somehow... there was something about the statue now I had gotten chance to see it up close again that had gotten me a little curious... maybe it was the fact that it was placed in such a way- looking at it now, the gardens were placed in a way that your eyes would be drawn to it...

I walked closer to the statue- mostly in an attempt to see if I could find Yoru near it. It was a large one with a lot of overhanging stone to it so maybe he had taken shelter underneath it?
"Yoru... Please come out..." I called once again as it was as I grew nearer to the statue my eyes caught notice of there being a plaque upon it. Ah... that was right I do recall vaguely there was one at the time I walked here with a pole... however it was back at a time where I couldn't read the writing of this world at all... since that point my reading skills had become much better. Even though I still had a long way to go- small simple things like this were far easier for me now!

So it was knowing this that I couldn't help my mind being a little curious and wandering over to it to test my skills and read what the plaque actually said-

'In memory of the late lady of the manor and royal highness, Lady Fia Du Monte-'

It was simply reading the main line upon it that I jumped back a few spaces- woah- no wonder this statue seemed to stand out and have the gardens made around it- it was a memorial for the woman whose death anniversary it was today! It was a wonder I didn't find this out till now... though I guess I wouldn't have really discovered on my own unless I came here when I knew how to read...

Still though... how strange that I would end up discovering such a thing on this day of all days... I couldn't see Yoru anywhere near this statue- so I guess this area also was a dud too.... I looked up at the statue above me, nothing but the sound of rain hitting against soil, leaves and stone surrounding the air. Was the woman of this statue meant to be Lady Fia? If it was like this... I wonder if she also had mana abilities just like Dante did... did this mean that he inherited his fire abilities from her in this case? Looking at the statue, it appeared like she was most likely a very beautiful young lady... maybe Dante took after his mother in more ways than one in this case.

For someone so pretty and potentially as powerful as Dante... I wonder how it was she passed away... it was probably mentioned in the game, however my memories of the game were still so disjointed... rather the more I lived this life, the blurrier they appeared to become. Maybe... if she was still around- event flags like the one that was going to happen today may not have existed... rather they couldn't have if it was Dante's mother's passing that was a major cause... Mothers were meant to be good at guiding people and finding solutions to problems... if that were the case...
"Lady Fia... would you know what to do right now?" I found myself asking this question out loud as I looked up at the statue.

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