Chapter 3.1: Not far from the manor

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Dearest mother and father in another world.

A week has gone by since the passage way incident and I am happy to say I have not found myself underground or in the walls since.  Actually since the incident I had found  myself outside alot more, more particularly between my work breaks.

"Hi there Yoru, I have come back with some more food!!" I announced, making my way through some bushes and brambles and looking down to see an incredibly small black fluffy puppy like creature, lying down in a small patch of leaves on the floor which I had taken to calling Yoru due to it's dark fur. I had found this little guy a few days ago, after I heard small howls coming from the bushes nearby as I put some laundry away. I assumed that maybe it had been injured and abandoned by it's mother as it never left it's little nest it had made itself- so I decided I would bring it scraps of food I found, just to help it get by. I placed the scraps down by beside him and gave him a smile.
"I was able to find some extra yummy stuff today!" I told Yoru cheerfully, going to put my hand near him... when Yoru then backed, starting to growl at me- ah...

Unfortunately despite my efforts, this entire time Yoru didn't seem to like me and me would frequently either growl at me or ignore me. I gave a small saddened sigh as I got up to my feet.
"Okay, I get it..." I muttered in a disheartened way, not trying to push it more than that. I couldn't particularly dislike him though, the poor thing probably was frightened without it's mother and just lashing out to protect itself. I didn't have the heart to just ignore it either, so despite it's seeming hatred towards me, I still gave him the scraps he needed- and thankfully it did appear once I was gone, that he would eat them.

I couldn't say I was completely estranged to the puppies behaviour. In fact I had gotten quite used to being resented lately- this puppy very much reminded me of a certain prince I knew... and speaking of certain prince's.

"What do you call this? You think scribbles like this will be accepted on an official court file?" Dante loomed over me, revealing to me my own writing practise for the day as I stared up at him nervously. Since the incident in the passage ways, much to my disbelief and now my disheartenment Dante actually lived up to his words and started giving me extra lessons alongside Hugo's on how to read and write whilst I was on personal maid duty.
"I'm sorry, but I did my best..." I replied, not even being able to look him in the eye as Dante snapped at me.
"If this is what you consider your best, then you may as well find a group of toddlers and tell them to teach you instead!" He scolded me with thunderously cold eyes. In hindsight, I should have realised sooner that given his personality, his teaching style was most likely going to be ruthless and unforgiving. I pouted at him, before tearily looking over to Hugo, who as usual, watched the emotional smack downs happen in silence, partially due to the fact that he was trying not to laugh
"Sir Hugo, you think I have been doing my best, don't you?!" I asked him in a whiny manner as Hugo smiled at me in his usual sparkly way.
"Though I may think that, his highness has grander standards than me..." he replied neutrally- ah staying on the fence as always Hugo, you coward.
"Oi pig girl, what did I say about bothering Hugo whilst he's on duty..." Dante glared at me, causing me to flinch.
"Oh come on, he also teaches me. Can you let me off this once, I'm teaching you how to read that script in mana later too aren't I?!!" I pointed out to him as Dante didn't let up his glare.
"You know, given how impossible you are to teach, I wonder if any of that is a fair trade off for my time..." Dante muttered as I twitched a little to this comment. That was right, one of the trades in order for Dante to help give me extra practice whilst helping him sort files, was that I taught him as much as I knew about the Japanese language... or mana language as it was known in this world. I pouted a little to his statement.
"Maybe I shouldn't teach you then, if you think it's that bad..."I retorted- as my snappy comeback was quickly met with a harsh glare from him.
"I have put in my time to teach you pre school level and you dare threaten to back out now?" He spoke with a tone that seemed to invoke more death than his words- You just said it wasn't a good trade off- and though you've been teaching me, half the time you have also been bullying me- where is my rights in this?! Despite these thoughts storming my mind- I knew more than anyone over stepping my boundaries wasn't a good idea...
"I mean only if you are having doubts in me your highness, no threats intended..."I mumbled whilst looking away from him... Dante continued to glare at me... before he just looked back to his files- seeming too fed up to continue this debate- much to my luck.
"Whatever- just rewrite those words and don't show them to me until you have them perfect..." He muttered, wafting his hands at me to shoo me. I wonder just what this prince's idea of perfect was... nonetheless, it was a good thing he decided to drop that there... it was almost out of character for him...

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now