Chapter 1.6: A maid vs the storm part 2

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A young maid with short curly bobbed blonde hair went around the large manor house of the fourth prince to the throne, going about her daily chores.  Her days consisted of the similar set amount of chores and a similar schedule,  there wasn't much for her to particularly comment on usually...  However...
"Hi Sana, how are you today?" Came the voice of one of the maids behind her as Sana stopped washing the window to greet them.
"Morning, I am fine, thank you, how are you?" She returned the question back to them as the maids returned a familiar reply. She watched the two of them walk off as she overheard them talking to one another. 
"I heard she hasn't been able to eat for two days now..." the one mentioned as the other gave a rather empathetic gasp.
"Poor thing... the prince is too harsh..." she mentioned back as Sana gave a troubled expression.  However, it seemed her past two days were ones met with worry and now what appeared to be a somewhat unusual silence.  Sana looked to the window watching the rain fall quietly. 
"Though I guess that's whay you should expect for pushing royalty..."


"Say, your highness..."
Within the darkened bedroom, Hugo sat mext to prince Dante who sat on his now none tea stained lounger, reading another book quietly to himself.   "Forgive me if I an wrong... but wouldn't you say that this might be a bit too mean?" Hugo then went on as Dante for a moment didn't reply... before his eyes glanced up to his knight.
"You seem to be sympathising with the maid alot lately..." Dante commented as Hugo smiled whilst shaking his head. 
"Not at all... rather, I just wonder what this going to do to your public image..." Hugo replied cooly to the prince as Dante simply turned over in his seat.
"I don't care for that..." he muttered as Hugo nodded.
"Ah, I see..." he replied as there was another small pause in their conversation before it seemed then that Dante's anger began to show up again after a whilst of it being contained. "Besides, any maid who doesn't know how to hold her tongue should be taught a lesson..." he went on,  Hugo almost able to read 'royal jerkiness' and 'bratty kid' upon the young prince's scowl as he kept a placid smile on his face...
"Ah... I see..." he repeated, not really wishing to poke at that situation.  He gave a small sigh staring at the door. It had seemed that the entertainment had gotten them self into alot of trouble. 


And indeed I had...

Dearest mother and father in another world...
Forgive me, it seems your precious daughter has become a criminal.

I sat down, a washed out expression on my face as I drew circles within the dust of the jail cell I was stuck in. You know if you were to ask me in my past life or hell even a few days ago if I could ever imagine myself being in jail, I would have asked if you were joking- not because I couldn't see myself committing a crime, but simply because I was far too unwell to commit a crime to begin with... I'd be in even more disbelief if you told me it was because I pushed some bratty young prince...
"I despise everything about you!"
As I recalled his big announcement from the other day, my eye's became somewhat distilled as I looked to my left. As far as I was concerned, even if it got me in jail, he deserved to be pushed and snapped at... what did I even do to be hated so much...? Yeah, I may have made a mistake here or there, and yes I may have used his fear to his advantage...

I sighed a little- no thinking on it, that was a pretty valid reason to at least dislike me. But despise...? That was a strong word for somebody he didn't even know existed for a week... besides, for a moment there, it almost felt like we were able to talk level headedly with one another... or was I just letting my assumptions get the better of me...?

The sound of my thinking was interrupted by the sound of growling coming from my stomach as I curled up a little more where I sat. Not only was being in jail unimaginably boring, but also they had restricted my meals to a piece of bread a day- I was pretty hungry at this point....

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now