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Hey monsters. Been a long time huh? Well I have some news.
I know I promised to finish this book, but I've once again run into an issue. The hard drive I had the rest of the chapters on was destroyed. My cat dropped a 32oz drink on it 😭😭😭
(It was an external hard drive). I lost SO MANY CHAPTERS on different stories. I lost this story, Say I Love You (that ones still backed up elsewhere thankfully), over 30 recipe chapters for my cookbook, and 6 one shot requests.
To say I feel defeated would be the biggest understatement in the world.
Wattpad has been giving me issues. I'm working on transferring my books to A03 because wattpad won't let me access my works most days (Yes it updated automatically).
So the point is...
I'm looking for someone to take this book over. It's been so long since I've touched it (had it finished & ready to publish) that I can't remember everything I wrote and don't have it in me to write again.
My readers have been waiting months and after some computer issues mixed with lack of ideas, I cant bring myself to finish it.
If you'd like to adopt the story I can send the outline I have for future events along with a copy of the book. I ask that whoever adopts is FINISHES it. I want to read the ending too lol. I ask that you credit me for the chapters I wrote and to be tagged in the first chapter you write.
If you're interested in taking this story over please let me know.

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