Team Natsu 17

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with another chapter! So heres sometging I need yall to note...
This chapter hasn't been beta read or edited. My beta is a little behind so i decided to go ahead and publish this for y'all anyway.
If you'd like to read the edited version of the story you can head over to my FFN account (siren-nee-chan)

So I'm pretty excited, I got a message that my book qualified for the 2019 wattys so I entered it! Votes shares and comments would help me out a lot in my effort to win in my category.

Anyway so here's the unedited chapter 17 for you guys!


"Ughhhh. E-erz-a p-please KILL M-ME!" The train had been going for six hours and Natsu didnt think he would last the last three. He wished Lisanna was there so he could lay on her lap, but Elfman had insisted the mission was too dangerous for the youngest Strauss sibiling and made her stay behind.

Standing from her seat, Erza smiled sadistically at the helpless dragon slayer. She quickly balled her fist up and took aim towards his stomach. "Gladly."

"I'm s-so so-sorry N-natsu-sa~ugh." Poor Wendy had recently acquired the "dragon slayer curse" and because of her own motion sickness, couldn't cast Troia on Natsu. She fell forward with circles in her eyes, completely knocked out from pure dizziness.

Gray was sitting silently staring out of the window. Normally he would have been poking fun at his 'flame brained' best friend, but he had other things on his mind. A certain bluenette had given him an ultimatum before he left on this mission and he had no idea what to do about it.

Carla and Happy were, surprisingly, curled up together in the corner sleeping, hoping the ride passed quickly. Erza, noticing Grays colder than usual demeanor, took it upon herself to find out what was wrong.

"Something on your mind?" She sat back down in front of him and equipped her katana along with some polish and a rag. She made herself look busy, hoping it would make it easier for her cold hearted 'imoto' open up to her.

"Just... thinking." His voice was so far away she knew it must have been hurting him. He had the same look on his face that he had when he thought about his parents and Ur.

"About Juvia?" She said without looking up.

"N-no! Why would I be thinking about her?!" The blush on his face was all the answer she needed. Erza wasn't sure why Gray denied his feelings for the water maiden. It was obvious to everyone how much he cared for her. In turn, Juvia was completely devoted to him. Didnt he know how good he had it? The thought almost pissed her off so she decided to keep picking at him.

"Gray, it's painfully obvious that you had gone of her. There's nothing wrong with that, it's perfectly normal. Now tell me. You miss her don't you?"

His face fell. Of course he missed her. What kind of question was that? Of course Erza was right... He denied his feelings for so long, it's no wonder Juvia reacted the way she did. "It's just..."

"Now Gray, you need to confront your fears or they'll eat you alive."

"Well, before we left she... gave me a choice."

That perked her interest. She finally looked up from polishing her sword and gave Gray her undecided attention. "I'm listening?"

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