incredulous missions pt 2

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Hey monsters! Oneesama back with the conclusion of Isaacs missions!
I am thinking of doing an OC chapter for you guys to include short bio and image of each of my OCs (Isaac and Kasumi would be it for now)
I DO have a question for an upcoming fanfic im working on...

When it comes to God Slaying magic, like Isaac, Orga, Chelia, and Zancrow...
Which idea do you like better for how they got their powers?

1.) They are like demigods, the children of a god and a human

2.) They were subjected to a sacred ritual giving them God like magic

3.) They are from another timeline and came through the eclipse gate at different times

4.) They are actually gods who lost their memory upon being banished to Earthland

Choose your TWO favorite options please

Okay that's enough from me...
Onto the story!!!


Returning to the meadow to retrieve the duck we originally set out to capture was brutal. What should have been a simple extraction wound up nearly being a fight for our lives...


I did a double take when we arrived at lady Galliopts house. If you could call it a house. It looked more like an over glorified shack in the middle of a wild and untaimed abandoned lot.

Weeds as tall as me were mixed with various colored ferns and flowers that obstructed the view of glowing herbs on the ground beneath my feet. Orga had decided to sit this job out upon seeing a rather healthy masima fern that was three feet taller than him. He was highly allergic so I didn't mind.

Fastidously, Isaac and I made our way to the 'house', careful not to crush any of the precious plants on our way. We finally reached the door and I followed Isaac in so we could get the details of the mission.


"I know I only requested to have the fox removed, but I didnt realize the legendary Shadow Slayer would be coming." I wasn't sure how comfortable I was being called a legend. I bowed my head slightly before I looked her in the eyes to explain my stance on this mission.

"This is Isaacs job." I said pointing to the young bluenete next to me.  "He is a Sabertooth mage in training, I am just here to help if needed."
She looked down at him and smiled warmly. I guessed she took what I said to heart because her happy face turned serious and she bowed her head in respect.

"Isaac-san, would it be possible to raise the reward to say, I dont know, 30,000j, and have the both of you help me move some new plants I'm having delivered?"

His stormy eyes turned to me looking for approval and I assumed he was wondering if I'd be willing to help him. I nodded in conformation that  would indeed help and he smiled before turning to look at the rather hefty greying woman in front of us.

"How many plants do you need us to move?"

"A little over a dozen. Some of them are rather large, which is why I need help. My old back just can't handle the extra weight anymore." I couldnt help but raise my brow at her declaration. It was ironic she would mention her back hurting because of weight given her very rounded appearance.

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