Broken 38

295 17 40

Hey monsters!! So this is the second part of Lucy's mission flashback. THIS is why Lucy feels responsible for everything Future Rogue did and explains why he's really after her.


The next chapter will be back to current time where Lucy is at Yukino house.

Now, onto the story...


Lucy didn't even try to open her swollen eyes, she knew that it wouldn't make a difference it's not like she could see anything anyway. Raspy breaths fought their way up her dry throat and she was fairly certain that a few of her ribs were broken. Future Rogue had kept her chained up so long, that she had no feeling left in her arms.

When she first realized her attacker was actually the evil self proclaimed future dragon king, she nearly peed herself in fear. She had tried so hard to understand just how he was still there when he vanished with the closing of the eclipse gate. But then he explained that, like her ancestor Anna, he hadn't returned because he was too far away from the gate at the time of its closing. He told her that when he vanished, he simply morphed into his shadow form and slithered away to hide and prepare to strike when the time was right. 

When he first captured her, Lucy had begged him to tell her why he hated her so much. Yes, she closed the eclipse gate but it wasn't her alone who did that. Yukino and the princess both helped. Their magic combined was what sent the dragons back, not Lucy. 

So why, her? Well, apparently in his timeline, future Rogue was madly in love with Lucy. In his past, he and Sting left Sabertooth and joined Fairy Tail before the Grand Magic Games. They had become great friends and after Natsu and Lisanna mated, Rogue began to develop feelings for the celestial maiden. 

Unfortunately, she didn't return his affections but instead had fallen for Sting, whose personality was much closer to her former lovers. Pushing his feelings to the side for the sake of their happiness, Rogue encouraged the two blondes relationship. It would be a decision he would come to regret later.

Over time, Sting, Rogue, and Lucy had formed an unofficial job team; taking S Class missions and working together more often than team Natsu. It was coming back from one of those missions that everything went wrong.

During a run in with a pack of wyverns Sting would make a decision that would cause Rogues shadows to take him over. Lucy's attack was the one to accidentally hit Frosch who had run into the path of magic while looking for Sting, ultimately taking his life. While Sting, who was responsible for protecting the camp and the two small cats, did nothing to help the exceed but instead refused to accept blame, saying he wasn't responsible for the fallen feline.

Rogue blamed Sting for Froschs death. Lector was still alive so why wasn't Fro? It wasn't fair!

After Rogue killed Sting and absorbed his power, Lucy ran off, apparently to the palace to go back in time. He followed her and when they opened the gate, the dragons came forward and took over Earthland, killing over ninety percent of the human population. 

Somehow the gate hadn't been damaged and Lucy fled to the past with Rogue, the only dragon slayer left alive, hot on her tail. Thats when the eclipse fiasco happened. Lucy had thought everything had been fixed when the gate was closed. But she was so wrong.

Future Rogue had stayed behind and waited. It had been about five months since the guild disbanded and this job had been the first Lucy had taken alone without one of her spirits or random friends following her. It had been the perfect time to strike and like an idiot, she had let her guard down.

Lucy flinched in her chains as she heard the sadistic voice of Future Rogue calling through the darkness, "Has my Little Fairy given up yet?"

"Fairy Tail is gone," Lucy faintly whispered back.

"You're a defiant one aren't you?" Future Rogue purred at her before he bit down on her beast.

She screamed in pain as she felt his sharp fangs tear through her skin causing blood to drip down her barely clothed torso, then like a wild animal he started lapping the blood up. His insane ruby eyes pierced through her as he wickedly asked, "If Fairy Tail doesn't exist, then why is your guild mark still on your hand?"

If Lucy could've tilted her head up to look at her hand then she would have, but her head was pounding from all of the pain. She was weak from a weeks worth of dehydration, starvation, and torture. It didn't matter that her emblem was still there. Fairy Tail was gone and no one was coming to save her. No one.

Lucy felt tears run down her eyes at the realization. Future Rogue had made her see the horrifying truth and now she was completely broken. No one would find her and no one would ever know how she died. "I, don't know…"

Lucy watched in fear as Future Rogue lit his hand up with a violet and golden flame made of shadows and moved towards her. Slowly he raised his hand to hers. Fearing the worst, she closed her eyes in anticipation of the pain to come only to be met with a sense of confusion as the chains binding her came loosely crashing to the floor beneath her. 

Completely void of energy, Lucy's exhausted body fell roughly into Future Rouges arms. Lucy thought she was broken then but she never could have imagined what the sadistic shadow mage had in store for her next. Her hazy mind began to clear almost immediately and she forced herself to focus, only to reel back at the sinfully vulgar look he was giving her body.

Her vision began to blur as she found the strength to forcefully jerk her head up as the sound of a zipper being undone reached her ears. Her eyes felt like they were spinning as she tried, but failed to focus on what Future Rogue was doing, though she had a pretty good idea.

For the first time, Lucy tried to cry out. But her screams were muffled as Future Rogue covered her mouth with his own. Her mind went completely blank as she felt his lips moving against hers. She tried to move her head away, but his hand, that was originally on her shoulder clamped around the back of her neck, forcing her to stay still. He moved back, breaking his kiss and glared at her with a predatory warning. "You're all mine now."

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