Mission Day one 14

522 23 22

Word count: 1472

Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 14! I'm so happy... I've gotten quite a few reviews over various platforms for this story... and they're all posotive!!! Y'all dont know how happy that makes me. Anyway.. I wasn't sure how I felt about this chapter but my beta reader liked it! Who as always was the lovely celestialprincess26 from FFN!
Don't forget to vote for ROLU date night, submit your side or mission requests, and OC submissions!!!
Now, onto the story...


The sky was painted pink and red as the sun began to set over the hills of the village of Ivy. Hikari and Shinji had recently tied the knot and were still very much in their honeymoon stage.

They were packing up the remains of a romantic picnic when the rustling of leaves on a windless evening alerted them to someone in their presence.

Through the trees appeared a woman dressed in solid red with long wild brunette hair. Her eyes glowed emerald and her skin was ivory white. A wicked laugh escaped her lips as she
levitated towards them.

"Ah, what wonderful specimens. You two will make perfect additions to my workforce."

"What are you talking about you crazy woman?!" Shinji jumped in front of his young bride. He could feel the magic energy radiating off the woman and knew she was a serious threat. When he noticed the guild mark on her stomach, his face paled and he prepared to use his own magic, determined to protect the woman he loved.

"I may be many things, but I assure you crazy isn't one of them." Raising her arms, she began to chant something in an unknown language. Smoke of violet began surrounding her and her eyes changed to a bright pink color.

Whatever this attack was, it was going to be destructive. Not waiting for her attack, Shinji lunged forward with a spell of his own. As ice released from his hands, a dark purple aura surrounded both him and the woman
and Shinji cluld be heard screaming.

"Hikari... Run!"

Fear engulfed her entire being. She had never heard Shinji sound that way. In all their years traveling she had never once heard him sound afraid.

Reluctantly she ran deep in the woods
only turning back once. What she saw would haunt her for the rest of her days... her seemingly invincible husband, had been transformed into a helpless child and had been chained like a dog. With tears in her eyes
she made her way back to the village elders home to seek help.


"That was two months ago, and I haven't seen him since." Hikari looked down at her slightly swollen stomach with tears running down her cheeks as she told her tale of sorrow.

The bluenette of twenty five had recently discovered she was carrying her missing husband's child, and the stress of his disappearance was begining to take its toll.

Rogue could see how much the woman was hurting, anyone could. Lucy seemed to be taking it just as hard, her own tears matching the woman's.

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