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Hey monsters! Please read thus before reading the chapter!
So far in this story...
Natsu left for one year leaving Lucy alone to be attacked by future Rogue. She left FT & joined the guild exchange program to clear her head. After Rogue was turned into a child saving Lucy from the evil guild Elvish Fang, the two grew close. A new God slayer named Isaac joined Sabertooth after Frosch saved him from EF and he currently lives with Rogue where Lucy has also been staying.
After Rogue returned to adult form, Frosch was injured on a mission. After lashing out at Lucy and attacking Sting and Yukino, Sting sent Rogue on a cool off mission.
During a phone call between sting and rogue, they overhear Lucy confess to Yukino that Future Rogue had forcibly mated her after torturing her for weeks.
Learning this rogue grew distressed and decided to commit suicide in hopes of dressing future Rogue from existence, thus changing the past and undoing everything he had done.

Ok so there's a quick recap of where we are now! Onto the story!!!


Rogue had never been more thankful to Lucy's spirits than he was right then. After mentioning that he had been having issues sleeping, Virgo had immediately presented him with a bottle of sleeping capsules from the celestial realm.

Infused with sleeping nightshade, she had warned him fiercely about taking more than one pill a day and promised to give him more once he ran out. But if his plan was successful, Virgo wouldn't need to bring him any more.

Making sure his note was pinned to his shirt where it was easily visible, Rogue wiped away silent tears before pouring the entire bottle of pills in his hand and taking them all. It didn't take long for him to feel the effects.

His eyelids began to grow heavy and he let out a sigh of relief. Rogue would admit he was afraid of dying. Who wouldn't be? But at least with his death comes the comfort of knowing his future would no longer exist, and Lucy will be safe. With that final reassuring thought, he laid back and allowed himself to drift into his final sleep.


"I told you we should've brought a map Gajeel!" The tiny spitfire known as Levy McGarden was not a happy mage. What should have been a few hours walk had turned into an all day excursion in the woods. Convinced they were lost, she grew frustrated with her iron dragon companion.

"Would you shut up?" Gajeel growled in a tone he never directed at the woman. She immediately grew silent and he realized how rough he sounded. EVER since the bluenette had forgiven him, he always made sure to keep his anger in check when she was around. Taking a deep breath he lowered his voice and added. "Sorry shrimp. But I know where we're going."

"Even without a map I could tell you Sabertooth is that way!" The extremely short woman stomped her feet and fiercely pointed in the opposite direction from which they were traveling. "It's by the mountains and you're heading to the forest!"

Although she was upset at Gajeel for snapping at her, she was more upset about not getting to her friends side in a timely manner.

Hearing the pain in her voice the burly man stopped and turned to fave his small partner. "Look Shrimp, I know where we're going. But I need to go this way first. It's important."

"What could be more important than getting to Lu-chan?" Levy was not trying to hear his excuses and he was starting to get just as annoyed as she was. "She's in danger Gajeel!"

"I know that okay?! But..." The usually gruff metal man looked away in anguish. How could he explain what he didn't have an answer to? His instincts were pulling him into the forest and he had learned well enough over the years never to know it's never okay to ignore his instincts.

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