Reversal 18

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 18! Again this one is unedited. If you'd like to read the edited version follow me on FFN @ siren-nee-chan
So I'm trying to include team Natsu and Fairy Tail as much as I can in this book. I hope y'all are enjoying it! Feel free to leave suggestions and requests in the comments... Now onto the story...


Back in Nori...

"Are you sure this is the place Wendy?" Gray was standing with Erza behind a large boulder near the edge of the forest. Wendy was poking her head out between the two with Carla closely by her side. Happy was sitting on Natsus shoulder as he smelled the air for any sign of Wendy's magic.

"Hai! I used the sky dragon's illusion trick that I learned from Gemini. I allowed my double to be captured so I could track the missing children's location." They were looking at a manmade clearing at the center of the wood where a shaggy house stood. There were dozens of shipping crates closed and locked with four inch thick metal chains.

Wendy could feel her own magic wavering under the anti magic cuffs placed on her double. Closing her eyes, she comnected with her magic and used her doubles eyes as her own.

The fake Wendy had been trapped inside of one of those containers, from what she could tell there were at least two dozen other children in the crate with her double and they had all been chained, gagged, and blindfolded.

Opening her eyes, a viable shudder ran through the young dragon slayer as she briefed everyone on what she had witnessed. Training with Lucy and Gemini had been a great thing for Wendy.

"Ingenious! Good job Wendy." Erza praised. Pride was written all over her face as she watched the girl she brought to fairy tail beaming with confidence in her new magic.

"Yea way to go Wendy!" Gray agreed patting the young bluenette on the head.

"You shouldn't expect anything less from my girl." Carla pointed out with Happy nodding in agreement in the background.

"You did such a good job raising her Carla." Happy admired with hearts in his eyes. He tried offering some of his fish to the White exceed but as always, she shot him down with a hmf.

"I can smell someone coming. Let's do this guys!" Natsu lit his fist on fire and charged at three unsuspecting S Class mages from Elvish Fang...


The inside of the cave was putrid. Lucy could barely contain her own gagging and dared not breathe from her nose. How Rogue was enduring it with his hightened senses was a mystery to the young blonde.

They were traveling down the right path of the cave. Lucy had a feeling the mages they were looking for wouldn't be down this particular pathway but wanted to know what was causing the smell.

It smelled like rotting flesh mixed with human bile. Blood was soaked into the ground so much that a metallic coppery smell lingered beneath the decaying smell of corpses.

Eventually they found what they'd hoped not to. Stepping into another large hollowed out cavern, their eyes adjusted to the light only to be met with a horrific scene. Hundreds of tiny bodies were piled up haphazardly in dozens of tiny piles around the newly opened room.

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