Let's Do This 16

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Word count 1,889

Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 16! Sorry it took so long to update, I've had a lot going on this week with my little big brothers graduation!

Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 16! Sorry it took so long to update, I've had a lot going on this week with my little big brothers graduation!

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Anyway, as always this chapter was beta read by celestialprincess26 from FFN
Now, onto the story...

At the stroke of midnight, two mages and one exceed entered an enchanted cave. Both Lucy and Frosch wore a special pair of glasses given to her by Virgo allowing them to see in the dark as Rogue could. The poor kitten was afraid of the dark, even with his glasses and he clung to his father figures shoulder for dear life. Lucy too was shaking with anxiety and clutching Rogues hand like a lifeline.

Silently, the three made their way down a long corridor that led to three separate tunnels.

"What do we do now?" Lucy asked. She was trying to think of a way to choose a path without the three splitting up.

"Fro is scared!" The green exceed was trembling. Poor thing really didn't know what to do.

"It's ok Fro. Rogues with us, we'll be alright." Lucy grabbed Frosch and held him close to her chest like a stuffed animal. Petting him slowly, he began to purr as his fear melted away.

"She's right Frosch, I'll protect you both. As for what to do I'm not sure. Normally I would use my shadows to search each entry and choose from the information I receive. But I'm afraid if we use magic while in this part of the cave, we'll loose the element of surprise."

"Fro still doesn't like it in here."

"It's ok Fro." At the sound of the young exceeds sniffle, a thought made its way into Lucy's mind. "Rogue, can't you smell anything or sense large masses of magic?"

"What do you mean?" His crimson eyes landed on her with a tender haze. She couldn't help the blush that rose up her neck, Rogue was after all, a very handsome man. Lucky for her, he was powerful too and it would come in handy.

"Well, if there's a group of people here or a group of children working, can't you like, I dunno, smell their sweat and blood? Or sense whatever magic is keeping them as children?"

"That's... I didn't think about that." He deadpanned at his own idiocy before comically sniffing the air with his eyes closed.

"Lucy-chan is the smartest." Frosch declared from his new perch in Lucy's arms.

"I smell a lot of blood coming from that direction" he said pointing to the left. "And I smell sweat and water coming from that way" he said pointing to the right. "But from this one," he said pointing straight, "I sense a strong magical presence."

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