Mysteries revealed 8

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CH 8

Hey monsters! Oneesama here with chapter 8! First off the outfit Rogue is wesring will be his msin outfit in this story. So in this chapter we are going to learn a bit about Rogues past. It's a little sad and I realized after writing it that Rogue is a little ooc in this chapter but oh well! Lol. So I really hope you guys enjoy this little bit of RoLu action. I promise there will be much more in the future but we are just getting started! Anyway enough with my blabbering... Onto the story!!!

Also YAY for an almost 5,000 word chapter!


It was nearly nine o clock when Lucy finally left the guild and made her way towards Rogues house. She had spent four hours beating Sting to a pulp and an additional four hours lecturing him on how a real man behaves. Apparently Elfman rubbed off on her.

She was so frustrated when she left the guild that it never occoured to her that she didn't remember where Rogue lived. Insecurity began to creep up on her as ahe realized the perdiciment she found herself in.

She was a 22 year old good looking woman, alone, at night, in a big city she was unfamiliar with, and she was pretty much out of energy from her 'lessons' with Sting. Carefully she began to walk in the direction of Yukinos house. Thinking she could get directions from her sister and check up on her at the same time, Lucy was excited as ahe found Evergreen RD. As she made her way down the block she couldn't shake the feeling that someone was following her. The sound of a twig snapping under somethings weight startled her into a run.

Unfortunately she wasnt fast enough. She felt a sharp pain radiate throughout her body before falling to the ground. She couldn't move. She coukd barely breathe. She felt like her body was being burned and electrocuted at the same time. She coukd feel her vision blurring. Everything was spinning and she was fighting to stay awake. The last thing she saw was a man with blood red hair laughing hysterically while walking towards her.


Everything went black.


It was nearly nine and Rogue had just put Frosch to bed. He decided he'd waited long enough for Lucy to return on her own and put on his boots before heading out the door. His plan was to head to the guild to retrieve Lucy since Sting was probably in a coma by now, but that quickly changed when he smelled the alluring scent of Coconut and Ginger coming from the opposite direction of the guild.

Rogue figured Lucy must have gotten lost looking for his house and followed her scent. It only took him about five minutes to find her but when he did...

He was furious.

A man in his mid thirties with blood red hair wearing a solid red jumper was standing over Lucy's unconscious body. Her keys were tossed haphazardly on the grass ten feet from her and her whip was no where to be found. Blood was dripping down her forehead and before he knew it, Rogue saw red.

He lost control of his own actions and let his inner dragon take over. Black scales began to appear across his body while his hair blew upwards with the pressure from the magic power granted from his Dragon Force. Tribal looking tattoos began to draw themselves on his arms and neck and his eyes glowed a red to rival satin himself.

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