Just Go 34

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Hey monsters! Oneesama here with a short update. So this chapter was originally much longer but it's very emotional and taking a lot out if me to write. So I split it up. The reason being is a part of both Lucy and Rogues past will be revealed!!!

Anyway... I hope you guys like this short update!!!


Sitting in the Sabertooth infirmary was new for me. It was much different than the infirmary at Fairy Tail. Instead of white and barren walls, these walls were a pale yellow with stunning landscape paintings lining the walls.

There were three rooms each with four beds and even an office for their residential healing mage Luno, who was currently administering medicine to an unconscious Frosch.

His little frog suit was destroyed and he had yet to wake up even though we'd finished our mission and returned two days prior. Watching everything around me, I was filled with so much guilt that I thought I might actually pass out.

It was my fault Frosch was like this. I shouldve been paying more attention, or called out another spirit. I know I was out of magic power but because I couldnt push past it, Frosch got scared and flew off. Now he was lying in a bed with a head injury.

The sound of a door slamming open followed by Rogues furious voice broke me from my self hate spiral. If only to add fuel to the fire."This is your fault!"

I heard myself whimper but I couldnt help it. His hair was pulled back leaving me with a full view of his face. His dark crimson eyes glared at me with hatred and I cowered away as memories of that night came flooding back.

Sensing my growing unease, Sting stepped in front of me, blocking my view of the angry dragon in front of me. "Rogue! Calm down man."

But it seemed to anger him further. Using his shadows he slammed Sting into the wall and started walking to me with heavy deliberate steps. "You were supposed to protect Frosch! You let him get hurt!"

By now silent tears were falling down my face. He was right. It was my fault. Just like before...Ughhh! Why?! Why cant I do anything right?! He warned me this would happen one day and I didn't listen.

"Rogue, please..." Yukino stepped up timidly, hoping to calm him down. It was pointless on her part. I knew how he felt about Frosch and I didnt blame him for being so mad. I just wished it wasn't so familiar. "Lucy got really hurt, you shouldn't-"

Another wave of shadows sent Yukino flying. Thankfully she landed on an empty bed instead of smashing into the wall like Sting. But his point had been made. He took his final steps until he was inches from my tearstained face. "Because of your inability to defeat a simple maker mage, Frosch fled in fear and got in the middle of my battle! Do you understand how injured he is? How much worse it could've been? He could have DIED!"

He raised his hand as if he were going to strike me and a sob escaped my lips. His flaring shadows receded and he lowered his arm in a defeated stance. Sting, having recovered in record time after seeing his brother attack his girl, jumped in between us and shoved the ebony haired man away from me forcefully. "Thats ENOUGH Rogue! You need to get away while Frosch recovers. Go take a solo mission or something."

Seeming to come to his senses, Rogue calmly stared at Sting. "I will do no such thing."

Sighing heavily, he ran his hands through his blond locks and gave Rogue a stern glare. "As your master, I'm ordering you to leave the guild for one week. Go cool off and come back when you're ready to apologize."

Rogue looked almost betrayed that Sting would force him away at a time like this. With a growl and one final glare in my direction, he allowed his shadows to take over and vanished into the floor.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I was sobbing at this point and couldnt stop. "I, I didn't mean to..."

"It's not your fault Lucy-nee." Sting cut in using the nickname he reserved for special situations. He wrapped his arms around me in a protective hug and started petting my hair. "Yukino told me what happened. That guy snuck up on you from behind. You didn't do anything wrong."

It didn't matter what Sting said. It was my fault and I felt awful. Instead of telling him that, I just nodded until he released me. Rubbing the tears from my eyes, I gave Yukino a pleading look before turning back to Sting. "Can I go now."


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