Stop the Hate and Toxicity

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As a Pokemon fan, I still keep up with videos. Course, most people around me don't approve, but I still do it.

That is exactly what led me to a comment section, talking about how one shouldn't hate on Goh, the new main character in Journeys. I agree wholeheartedly with that, but at the same time, I felt angry reading that.

I felt angry at myself and all the people out there who hate others just for liking someone you don't.

I am part of that group, honestly.


Because, to some extent, all of us are part of that group.

We've all had that time in our lives when we see someone talking about a character we like, and then talking bad about that person. Sometimes, we're the people who do that.

But either way, we have been toxic during one point of our lives.

I have experienced that certain moment in my life. That feeling of wanting to be in control of everything. To feel important. That's what leads us to do things. Things that might cause pain.

I want us to look at ourselves, and ask ourselves why we look at people so negatively, when in reality, they're just as human as us, fictional or not. They have flaws. They have weaknesses.

So let's accept them as they are, okay? Stop hurting other people, stop THREATENING them just because of something that you don't share in common!

After all, you don't know what battles they may be fighting in life.

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