To All the People I Wounded Before

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To that person I called autistic when I didn't have the facts, 

To that person who I got mad at even though they meant well, 

To my parents who have done nothing wrong, yet are suffering because of me, 


I'm so sorry... 

I'm sorry for all the pain and suffering I've made you go through.

You didn't deserve it. 

I did. 

I deserve all of it for what I did to you. 

I'm a horrible person.

I wounded so many people. 

I want to believe that I'm a good person,

but I can't. 

Every time I think about all the people who I hurt, 

my heart aches. 

"How can they still accept me?" 

"Why am I so stupid?" 


My brain knows the truth. 

That's why it keeps on reminding me. 

On how.. 

How I just hurt people. 


I want to say sorry, 

For all my stupidity and idiocy. 

If you don't want to be friends anymore, 

it's fine. 

I know that it's all my fault. 

I deserve it anyway.

I try to change, 

but all I end up doing is hurting more people. 

I'm such a broken person. 

I'm so sorry... 

For everything.....

For hurting you...

For giving you mental scars....

I should be holding all that, not you.  

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