Motto and Inspiring Quotes

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If you want to make the quotes into images, go ahead! But just remember to credit me as Ficmata or FMT or Fam!

1. There is always a chance to be better. Seize it and never give up! ~my motto~

2. Good habits build. 

3. Think wisely for your sake.

4. Acknowledge your faults. 

5. Do not be biased. 

6. Accept yourself, for there is no one else made just like you. 

7. Be honest with yourself, and be critical if you have to. 

8. If you can't change others, change yourself for the better then. 

9. EQ and IQ are equal. They are partners in helping a human be human. 

10. Learn again and again. There is so much you don't know yet. 

11. Mental illnesses do not define you. Your choices do.

12. Depression does not define you. 

13. Everyone is different. Try to understand them. 

14. So many people are searching for help. It's up to us to help them rise up again. 

15. Tears that fall inside are worse than the ones that fall on the outside. 

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