Sometimes Love Is Not Enough

Start from the beginning

"You're leaving, are you kidding me?!"

Hailey stormed across the room towards the petite figure on the bed but Camila didn't move, instead she just looked at Hailey with what could only be described as 'vague interest'

"After all you've done, all the trouble you've caused, you're just getting up and running… again?!"

Turning her head towards the small window, Camila kept her silence as she stared out towards the horizon, there was a world beyond Miami, she'd seen it, she'd lived in it but it had nothing to offer her and yet she was preparing herself to return to it

"When the hell did you become such a goddamn coward?"

Turning her head back towards Hailey in a flash Camila shook her head slightly as she spoke

"You don't know anything about me Hailey, you never have"

"Well I know that you're a precious little princess that throws a tantrum and runs away every time she doesn't get what she wants"

"Well thank you for that character evaluation, now if you don't mind- don't let the door hit you on your way out"

Reaching out a hand Hailey held Camila's shoulder tightly as she seethed

"Oh I'm not going anywhere, believe me, I have more than a few things to say to you before you get your ass out of town. Oh, and do us all a favour, if you're really going this time- make sure you stay gone because I know I'm not just speaking for myself when I say we are sick to death of these games you insist on playing at all our expenses"

Slapping Haileys hand away, Camila shot to her feet and both women stood staring at each other for what felt like forever.

Camila had no idea what she'd done this time for the blond girl with the cat like eyes to turn up at her motel room and just barge inside, more furious than Camila had ever seen her, more furious in fact than Camila had thought she was capable of being, but one thing was for sure, after the morning she'd had she was in no mood for putting up with shit from anyone

"Okay Hailey, you've got two seconds to tell me what the hell your drama is this time otherwise I am going to kick your lanky ass all the way to the other side of town"

"Do you really think you could, I have heels taller than you"

"Two seconds and then you find out"

Camila's hands were planted firmly to her hips as Hailey crossed her arms over her chest, they'd been working up to this confrontation ever since their encounter at the mall.

Both women were hurting, both were confused and looking for an outlet for their emotional turmoil, unfortunately for them it looked like they were going to be each others way out

"Do you have any idea how much I envied you when I first moved here?"

"Do you have any idea how much I don't care? Hailey, from the very first minute you met me you were plotting against me, all you wanted was to get me as far away as possible so that you could take from me the one thing that I hadn't already given you. You go on and on about what I've done and what I've taken from you but everything you have, is everything that you got from me. You don't have your own life here, you have mine. It's like one of those soap operas where one character leaves and the producers just replaces them with another actress and hope that no one will notice, you have my friends, my boyfriend"

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