Let The Games Begin

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Shawn grabbed the black leather backpack from the backseat of his car and slammed the door behind him.

Yesterday had ranked pretty high on his list of 'Worst Days Ever' and now he intended to work out as vigorously as possible for as long as possible and if the opportunity arose to hit something he was definitely going to take it and hopefully that something would be Niall!

The time he had spent with his former friend yesterday had been complicated- to say the least. At times they had found themselves falling back into the old routines of their youth, debating which super hero was better and who could beat who in a fight, but this time the debates had been darker, each mans voice was tinged with the wrongs they considered the other to have committed against him.

Brian and Justin had tried their hardest to keep the atmosphere light hearted and at times Shawn and Niall had even joined in with their playful banter, but it had all ended on a sour note when Camila had called Niall and asked for him to pick her up from the mall. When faced with another man doing for Camila something that he had always taken pleasure in doing himself, Shawn had reacted badly and relations between him and Niall had ended where they had started… rock bottom.

Just thinking about yesterday inflated a desire within Shawn to hit something…hard!

Camilas presence had effected him more than he had expected and it had provoked reactions from him that he had never thought that he was capable of. He inwardly cringed as he remembered the things that he had said to her the previous day.

There had been a time- not that long ago when even the thought of saying something to upset Camila would have sent him into a state of panic, but yesterday it had just rolled off his tongue.

It was like some form of sick pleasure to him, watching her squirm under his verbal onslaught, but when she had looked into his eyes, her own wet with what he thought looked like regret he had felt so small and so cruel that part of him wanted to hold her until everything but them disappeared from the world, the other part however, the part that was still tortured by her actions had won and he had not been able to hold his vicious tongue.

Closing his eyes as he entered the building Shawn tried to shake himself free of his thoughts. A vigorous work out was exactly what he needed. The group were meeting for dinner that night, and it gave him just over 10 hours to prepare himself to face Camila again…. her and Niall.

Rounding the corner and finally entering the gym Shawn could have sworn that he had been transported back through time. He felt the weight of age lift from his shoulders as his heart vacated his chest and headed straight for his mouth. Because there, at the far end of the gym where she always used to be, wearing the yoga pants and sports bra that she had always worn was Camila and to Shawn, for a brief, wonderful moment it felt as though she had never left.

Unable to control the smile that was now causing his lips to curl upwards and cheeks to flush Shawn allowed himself to believe for a split second that this last year had all been a horrific nightmare. That any second now Camila would look over to him and her face would light up in the way only he could make it, he would be free to walk over and wrap his arms around her. In his mind at least… she was his again!

Camila had known of Shawns presence in the gym long before she had looked up. She had sensed he was nearby and when she had finally allowed herself to steal a glance in his direction, the smile he wore had convinced her that this game she had been formulating in her mind since her epiphany last night would be one worth playing.

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