Confrontation Day (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

"Yeah oh and Mila- you should see his 'do' you're really going to freak" Camila didn't mention that she had already seen Shawns 'do' for fear of a torrent of questions that she wasn't in the mood to answer so instead she just played along

"I guess I'll see it soon then coz I'm coming over"

"How come?"

"Oh I'm coming over to yell at Shawn" It was the only thing that she could guarantee at the moment

"Cool, I'll get up now and let you in"

"Thanks, oh and don't tell him I'm coming over he has a habit of disappearing on me these days"

Once Justin had promised that he wouldn't say a word, Camila thanked him and hung up.

Whilst crossing the room once more, this time towards her wardrobe, she spotted the figure of a tall, blond woman walking along the beach. Stopping at the window, she looked a little closer… just to make sure.

Sure enough- it was Hailey, walking solemnly along the sand and gone were the heels and mini skirt that had become her signature look. In their place were a pair of dark blue shorts and a pale pink, v-neck t-shirt.

Watching Hailey drop onto the sand and then hug her knees to her chest it was obvious that she had a lot on her mind. Camila didn't need to guess what or who it was, because he was on her mind too!

Collecting some clothes from her wardrobe she headed towards the bathroom. Shawn had definitely gone too far this time. Sure, she'd made mistakes but he'd just made the biggest mistake of his life.


Staring into the mirror, Shawn barely recognised himself… and his lack of hair wasn't the only reason!

He couldn't remember the last time he'd seen that sparkle in his eyes, and the pinkness in his cheeks made him look more alive than he'd felt in a long time.

What had happened to him?

Less than 12 hours ago he had felt like he had hit rock bottom and then just kept on falling, but standing alone in his bedroom the sparks of excitement that kept ripping through his stomach had brought with them some weird kind of optimism- the kind that had been missing from his life for what felt like forever.

The sparks of excitement were rivalled only by the nauseating waves of fear that kept rising and falling within him.

Last night had been surreal and just the thought of it sent electricity pulsing through his body. Part of him wanted to just lock himself away in his room and spend the rest of his life reliving the night.

Camilas words… the feel of her hand stroking his head…soothing his soul and that song- it had been meant for him he was sure of it.

How was it possible that after everything she had done she still had the ability to make him feel like this?

A wave of nausea rolled over him as his mind started to explore what it all meant, to him… Camila… Hailey! Everything was such a mess, but one thing was for sure- someone was going to get hurt and Shawn wasn't sure how much more hurt he could take.

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