Xena knew that work would probably become a lot busier over the course of the next few weeks, so she decided that she would make the most of the free time she had.

Xena continued walking along the street, arriving at a bar. She didn't think much of it when she made her way inside, squinting slightly in the dimly lit room.

Soft music was playing in the room, it was fairly packed but Xena was able to find space as she made her way over to a free stool at the bar. It was the stiff, uncomfortable stool that bars usually had and it took her sometime before she could finally get in a comfortable position.

"Hey, could I get coke?" Xena called out to the barman.

"What?" The barman responded, thinking he had misheard her.

"A coca-cola." Xena said, raising her voice slightly.

"Um, would you like that with anything?"

"Just ice, please."

The barman gave Xena a strange look but nevertheless went over to prepare her order, beside her, Xena heard a scoff.

The scoff was loud and obnoxious. It was clear that the person it had come from was not trying to be discreet in any way possible.

Xena turned her head and was overcome with mild surprise when she saw the woman seated next to her. She was a smaller woman with caramel brown skin and dark long locs that fell down her back.

She now sipped from the glass in her hands, a small smirk growing on her face.

"Did you just scoff at me?" Xena asked.

The woman next to her ignored her. She continued sipping from her glass as if she wasn't aware of Xena's presence next to her.

This only made Xena press on more.

"Excuse me," Xena now said, turning her body so it faced her fully, "did you just scoff at me?"

The smirk grew on the woman's face as she turned to face Xena.

"Who the fuck orders coca-cola at a bar? If you're gonna come to a bar and order such you might as well just stay in your house."

Xena was taken aback by this. However, rather than feeling annoyed or angry she found herself only growing amused.

"Is that something you feel strongly about?" Xena asked as she bit down on her lip, leaning forward to get a better look of the woman before her.

The woman rolled her eyes in reply and went back to sipping the drink in her hand. It appeared to Xena that signaled that she was done with the conversation, but Xena was not about to pull back now, just when she was getting interested.

"Are you often this rude to people?" Xena asked, intentionally pushing her buttons.

Usually, she wasn't bothered by the assholes she encountered; she thought herself to be a pretty level-headed person. Yet, there was something about this woman that drew her in. She wasn't willing to let her off the hook so easily.

Just as Xena expected, the woman didn't reply. She just kept sipping from her drink.

"Here's your drink." The Bartender said appearing beside Xena.

Xena thanked him as she took the glass cup, bringing it to her lips. She slurped loudly as she drank from it, purposely trying to get the attention of the woman next to her.

Xena honestly couldn't believe what she was doing. She was going out of her to grab this random stranger's attention all because she was rude to her? Why did she even want her attention?

Yet, Xena continued slurping on her drink, intentionally making her sounds louder as the seconds went by.

"Oh, for fuck's sake." The woman in front of her exclaimed, finally turning to look at Xena.

Xena instantly felt her heart quicken as she made contact with the woman's light brown eyes.

"Please, for fuck's sake, what do you want?"

"What's your name?" Xena blurted out.

She found herself wondering why she had even asked that question. What did she care about the rude stranger's name?

Xena assumed the woman was just going to ignore her like she had been doing before.

"Venus." The woman replied instead.

Once again, Xena was taken aback by the fact that the woman had even responded.

"Venus." Xena murmured to herself, enjoying the way the name sounded on her tongue.

"Anything else your honor?" Venus now asked.

It almost sounded to Xena like she was teasing her.

"Yes actually," Xena replied as a small smile spread across her face. "What do you do for a living, Venus?"

"Do you really want to know?" Venus asked, her voice lowering to a whisper.

Xena's eyes widened, instantly drawn in by the words of the woman before her. She didn't really care what she did for a living; she had just asked in an attempt to keep conversation flowing, but now she really wanted to know.

Xena nodded her head rapidly as Venus leaned in towards her. She was so close that Xena could feel her soft breath rubbing against her.

"I kill people for a living."

Xena laughed then. She had really taken on to the woman's strange sense of humor.

Venus pulled back then with a smile on her face. It wasn't a smirk, a genuine smile.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" Xena asked, she didn't know what had overcome her but she really wanted to have the woman's attention on her for as long as she could.

Venus looked at her for a few seconds. Xena couldn't make out the expression on her face, she did a very good job of concealing it, even for a professional Agent like her that was trained to read people's expressions.

Yet, hers was unreadable.

Venus smiled then. This time it didn't reach her eyes.

"Sure." Venus finally replied, causing Xena to fill with excitement.

Xena turned to the Bartender to call him over, but by the time she turned back to Venus to take her drink order the woman was gone.


Arthur Note:

Hey All!

I realized I've been slacking in my interactions with readers so I'm going to try to do more of that through random questions at the end of select chapters? (:

Question for this chapter: What's the most trouble you ever got into?

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