Truth (Part 1)

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"The band should be starting any minute"

Justins weight landed hard on the leather sofa beside him and bounced Shawn right out of his thoughts

"I can't believe your uncle let us crash this"

"Yeah well if it had been for anyone other than Brian we wouldn't have stood a chance but my uncle's known him almost as long as I have and for some reason he kind of likes the little sucker"

Looking around the bar Justin quickly noticed that there were two absentees from their group

"Where are Niall and Mila, I haven't seen them for ages"

Shrugging, a jealousy that Shawn had grown accustomed to flared in his chest. Yesterday he had been on the verge of admitting that he may have been wrong about the whole 'Niall and Camila thing' but Niall had spent today glued to her side and Shawn was sure that could only mean one thing.

"Are you okay, I know things are a little weird right now but…"

Shawns voice cut in over his friends as though he had no idea that he had been talking

"What's the deal with those two anyways? I mean…are they dating or aren't they?" Shawn had been speaking more to himself than anybody else but the look of panic that suddenly descended on the face of his friend intrigued him immediately. "Justin?"

The man was on his feet in a heart beat and searching for an escape route. He had wanted to tell Shawn the truth ever since he got back into town, he wanted to repay the loyalty that he had always been shown to but he'd given Niall his word, he didn't want to let him down by breaking his promise but Shawn was his friend he had been there for him, always.

Justin found himself torn…and panicking!

"Justin?!" Shawn was on his feet just as quickly and his hand made a grab for the red Superman t-shirt that was desperately trying to pull away. "Something you want to tell me?"

Justins eyes flew from side to side as he desperately searched for Brian to come to his rescue. The truth about Niall and Camila was Nialls to share not his but he had somehow shown himself to be someone who had information that Shawn wanted and the look on the taller mans face told him that he would extract those answers from him the easy way…or the painful way

"The band!" Justin shrieked as Brians favourite band made their way onto the small stage. Using the distraction as an opportunity to escape Justin heaved himself free of Shawn's grip before disappearing into the crowd in search of the wisest man he knew.


"Brian!" Justin bolted towards his lifelong friend and grabbed him by both shoulders "Brian you have to help me. I somehow let Shawn know that I know something that he wants to know and now he's after me. What do I do? What do I do?"

The look of sheer panic on Justins face caused Brian to laugh a little but he knew how seriously his friend was taking this whole situation- Justin wasn't used to responsibility and he was taking to it badly.

"Niall should never have asked you to keep something from Shawn" he was attempting to give Justin his full attention but the first few chords of 'Sunday Flower' were kicking in and he was feeling his attention being torn. "If Shawn wants the truth just give it to him, he deserves to know the truth"

The Breaking Point (Complete)-ShawmilaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang