Chapter 18

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A/N: So, It is almost midnight and I can't sleep so here is chapter 18! 

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter.

A/N: You guys shocked that my disclaimer is less than 10 words?

Anyways, it's a filler chapter. I have no drama to insert this chapter. -.-


The couple arrived at the Head's Dorm. James was still stunned by the sudden events and Lily was fuming. James finally recovered to see Lily stomping to her room and slamming the door shut. He walked up the stairs that led to her room and knocked quietly on her door. 

"Come in..." she said weakly. 

He walked in to see Lily plopped on her bed facedown. She only did that when she was exasperated. 

"Lils, do you want me to hex him for you?" James asked, reaching for his wand.

"Nah. I just need some fresh air. I'm going to take a walk. I'll be right back."

James stood up. "Do you want me to go with you?" He asked. She shook her head.

"You don't mind right?" She asked quietly. Potter smiled. 

"Of course I don't."


Lily ran into the Forbidden Forest and changed into her animagus form. She wanted some type of release from all the pressure and stress that school and Severus had put on her. Once she had completely transfigured, she went around to run freely throughout school grounds. 

James walked out of the castle to sit by the lake where he would meet up with Lily in his stag form. On his way out, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something move behind the trees of the Forbidden Forest. He curiously peered to see nothing and shrugged, walking towards the lake. He was just imagining things. 


The sun was setting when he got up and stretched and saw something peering at him. It was a doe. It's fur had a red tint to it and the eyes were a vibrant green. It was the same doe that he had run into that night long ago. 

"Hey there." The doe looked up at him in surprise and got up to run away.

"Wait! I'm not going to hurt you." James cautiously headed to where the doe was at with an extended arm. When he got close enough to touch, he rubbed the head of it. 

"Your eyes remind me of my girlfriend. Her name is Lily Evans. She's the most beautiful, amazing girl ever. She's also really smart. The ultimate package, eh?" The doe seemed to laugh at his comment.

"She was upset earlier today. Her old friend, Severus Snape, I never liked the kid, blew up on her and almost called her a terrible thing today. I don't want to say it because it's just rude and insulting. He was angry that she was with me instead of him. I've never seen her so furious before. Afterwards though, she seemed a tad bit upset. I just want to hex him into the next century for doing that to her. She would never forgive me though..." He trailed off and the doe's eyes seemed to have softened. 

"I'll call you Evans. It suits you."

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now