Chapter 7

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It's about time I uploaded, huh? I think I'm going to start updating whenever I get feedback. I hate to do it, but I need to know if you like it. I'll upload chapter 8 if I get at least 3 reviews of this chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own these wonderful characters or settings (sadly). All credit goes to J.K Rowling.

Chapter 7:

"PRONGSIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Sirius called while barging in. James and Lily sprung apart as we had gotten closer.

James sighed. Sirius had the worst timing ever.

"What is it, Padfoot?" he said exasperated.

"Prongs, it's lunch time. We're hungry. You coming? Or were you in the middle of something?" Sirius said suggestively wiggling his eyebrows. 

The two Heads blushed. 

"Let's go, Sirius. You coming Lils?" James asked, getting up.

Lily shook her head. She wanted to run around and think for a while.

"Alright. We can talk later." James left with Sirius and Lily waited a good three minutes to check the hallway for any sign of people. The halls were empty, as it was lunch time, and Lily got outside fairly easily. Transforming into her doe form, she started galloping around in the Forbidden Forest.

After lunch

"Lils?" James called when he walked back into the Heads Dorm. Silence.
"Hm. Maybe she went to the library." With that, James walked out of his dorm to walk around outside. Just when he got outside, he saw a doe laying on the ground, next to a tall oak tree. He slowly walked torwards it, trying not to scare it away. It had red fur and white spots here and there. He stepped on a twig and jumped back when the doe jumped up and turned around to look at him. 'It had bright green eyes. Just like Lily's', he thought. 'Could it be? No, Lily could never break a rule let alone a law'

He started walking torwards it and stopped when he saw the fear in the doe's eyes. 

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." James said soothingly. The doe blinked as if processing his words and stepped torwards him. "Hey, you're a beautiful doe. Just as beautiful as Lily."

The doe just stared at him in surprise. 'Does he know?' Lily panicked.

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