Chapter 22

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 22

"Tonight I need to take prefect duty. One of the kids in charge tonight got sick and, of course, no one volunteered to take their spot." James stated. Lily's heart crumbled at the lie. What happened to the trust between them? Was it never there in the first place? Why would he lie to her? How could he? Did he not trust her? 

Lily's face dropped a little, but she quickly plastered on a fake smile to, hopefully, conceal it. He didn't seem to notice though.

"That's fine." The words flowed out of her mouth automatically.

NO IT ISN'T!  Lily's mind screamed at her. You're lying! She was on the verge of tears. 

James smiled a bit, but it seemed forced, as if something were on his mind. 

"I better get ready...," he ran his hand through his hair as an awkward silence had dawned over them. He walked away while muttering something unintelligible. Lily's heart broke with every step he took and she softly closed the foor before leaning on it for support, tears pricking her eyes.

How could she have fallen in lo- wait. She was in love? Her heart further broke as she came to this realization. Why did she have to fall in love with a liar?


A/N: Do remember that the first person to comment on this chapter and leave questions, comments, notes, ideas, etc. gets the next chapter dedicated to them. Sorry it's such a short chapter. Chapter 23 will be longer after I've made some adjustments.  

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now