Chapter 25

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A/N: I have decided to keep the book the way it is. Thank you to everyone. I guess I was having second doubts about myself. Also, watch out in this chapter, I'm going to write in Lily's and James's POV. Sorry for the change in perspectives, but I found that this was the best way to write this chapter, rather than in third person. By the way........ YAAAAAAAAYYY! 7,000 reads!!!! You guys are the most amazing fans in the world, and I love you all soooooooo much! Thank you so much for sticking with me all this time, and I'm so sorry that this update took so long. I also want to thank you all for supporting me when no one else has. When I let my friends know that I was writing a fanfiction, they weren't impressed. All they did was just put me down and put down my fanfiction without giving it a chance, and I kinda lost the inspiration to write this book, hence the lack of updates. I even tried to get their approval by talking about you guys and how great of fans you are, but they just scoff and continue to bash me for writing this. However, whenever I check my email and see that you guys leave such sweet comments, that inspiration is restored. Thank you for being here when even my friends weren't, and thank you for having faith in me. I think that this is the longest chapter yet, and I know everything is messed up. I typed it out on Open Office and then I copied and pasted on here. 

Anyways, I own none of the characters, settings, or anything of this story. Now ON WITH THE BOOK!


Recap: The thought of the boys being animaguses was gnawing at the back of Lily's mind, but she shook it off. Lily had no other plans that were any safer than to barge in there and risk dying at the hands of her werewolf friend, so she decided to stake out. She watched through the window as the animals played with each other. After a few minutes of watching, her leg grew tired, so she shifted her weight. However, the werewolf inside the Shack noticed this movement and walked over to inspect.

The stag ran over to see what or who was there before anything happened. He was shocked to see Lily crouched there. His eyes widened as he realized the events coming and rammed himself into the werewolf. Crying out in pain, the stag slowly started to shift back into his human self. The werewolf took notice of both Lily and the person lying on the ground and howled. The dog sprinted over and started biting the werewolf's leg, trying to distract him, but was thrown off as the werewolf ran to where Lily was. The boy lying on the ground injured rolled over painfully and screamed for Lily to run. Only Lily froze in shock as she realized who the boy was. 


Lily's POV

Several thoughts were running through my mind. What's going on? I'm gonna die...! My best friend who is a werewolf is currently breathing down my neck. He'll probably rip my head off..! My boyfriend is an illegal animagus..! Well, I am too, but he doesn't need to know that. Anyways, I planned on telling him sometime soon. Was he ever going to tell me? I need to find a way to get out of here without, you know, DYING. AHHH!

I wanted to scream in frustration, but I'm pretty sure that it would lead to Remus attacking me. My heart was racing, but I remained still as a statue. Oh why did I come out here?! Oh yeah, my boyfriend was sneaking around behind my back. The thought made me clench my fists, which didn't go unnoticed by Remus. He proceeded to go into an attacking stance, and I paled. There was no chance of me making it unscathed now. Closing my eyes, I braced myself for the pain, but all I heard was the growl of Remus and a large crash.

I slowly opened my eyes to see the stag wrestling Remus. Worry washed over me as I saw the werewolf clawing at the stag, and I grabbed my wand, ready to shout a random spell. The stag-version of James sent me a message with a desperate look in his eyes. 'Run away, I'll be fine.'

So I did. I ran back to the castle, not bothering to look back once. Only when I reached the Head's Dorm did I stop running. I walked over to the couch. The very couch that James and I cuddled on several times. Hurt and betrayal hit me like a hurricane, and I could not suppress the sobs as they hit as well. I collapsed on the couch, full on bawling as I realized the guy I loved was lying to me this whole time. Stumbling to my room, I shakily grabbed a scrap piece of parchment and a quill to write James a note that broke my heart even more.

James's POV

The next morning...

She knows. I broke her trust. I'm going to lose her now. How could I be so stupid? I love her... now she knows I'm just a liar. I don't deserve her. I was just hoping she'd never find out about this. Sure I was going to tell her sometime. Just not anytime soon...

I walked back up to the Head's Dorm, ready to apologize and beg my girlfriend to let me explain. As the portrait swung open, I began to search around the common room for any sign of her. Nothing... she must be in her room. I started to make my way to the door, but a scrap of parchment stuck to my door caught my attention. It was addressed to me, in Lily's handwriting. My heart dropped and I feared for the worst as I opened the letter.


I'm sorry, but I can't be in a relationship where we keep things from each other and lie. I can't trust you anymore, and it kills me inside to write this, but it's over. Please don't try to contact me, because it'll only make things worse. Goodbye.


My heart shattered into a million pieces and I slumped against my door, tears streaming down my face. I lost her. I lost the love of my life. But I can't let it end like this. I have to explain everything to her. With this new strength, I forced myself to walk to her door and began pounding on it.

“Lily! Please! Just let me explain myself! Don't do this to me.” Soft footsteps walked to the door, and for a moment, I was relieved that she was probably going to listen to me. The door swung open, and she stood at the door. Her beautiful hair was tangled. Her face looked dull. She stood there slouched. Her eyes, normally a bright emerald green, were bloodshot and dead. This wasn't the Lily I knew.

“What do you want, Potter?” I winced at her icy question. It was clear that she despised me.

“Please let me explain myself... I don't want things to end like this,” my voice cracked and tears flooded my eyes. I could see her eyes watering as well, but she just closed them.

“I thought you read my note. I trusted you. I wanted to tell you all my secrets, because I thought I could trust you with them. I thought you trusted me with yours as well. But you kept this secret from me. You even went as far as to lie to me about it. How can I trust you again? That and you made a fool of me. That stag... that was you the whole time. I told you the majority of my deepest secrets. Yet, you never thought to tell me that you knew, did you? Did you even plan to tell me anytime soon that you were an illegal animagus? Or were you going to keep this from me this whole time?” Her voice was full of tears and when she opened her eyes again, I could see all the pain and betrayal that they held. I broke her.

“Lily, I love you,” she sobbed when she heard this and tears started streaming down her face. “I do. I wanted to tell you, but I didn't want to put you in any danger that may have been involved with this. Yes, I wasn't going to tell you anytime soon, but I did it for you. I'm sorry that I broke your trust. I'm sorry that I lied to you. I do trust you with everything of mine. I just couldn't let you get hurt...” we were both crying by this point.

“The thing is. I love you too. That's why it hurts so much. But it's too late to fix anything now. Please just leave me alone,” and with that, she closed the door on me. Pain stabbed at my heart as my world collapsed around me and I slid down against her door, sobbing until I lost consciousness. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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