Chapter 16

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A/N: YUUPP. I FINALLY UPLOADED! Sorry it took so long! I just started high school and we're moving at a really fast pace (Of course, it's because it's the best high school in the state), but I felt bad for not updating in two months! Also, I'm thinking about ending this story at around 25-30 chapters. What do you guys think?

Disclaimer: The charachters and settings of this story are magical. I am not magical. Therefore, they do not belong to me. Instead, the belong to the holy lord of all things magical, J.K. Rowling.

Sirius was going to get it. After the ball, he had thrown an after party in the Gryffindor common room. In the common room, Lily looked exasperated. She wanted to relax after the ball, but Sirius dragged James and Lily there. James noticed Lily and motion for her to come with him. He led her up to the boy's dorm and pulled out his invisibility cload from under his robes along with his broomstick.

Opening the window, he threw his broomstick out and proceeded to jump onto it, scaring Lily. James flew and bit closer to the window and offered his hand to Lily who looked at him like he was crazy. His eyes seemed to tell her 'trust me'. She took a deep breath, grabbed his hand, and jumped onto the broomstick.

When they were steady and Lily was more confident that she wasn't going to fall, James draped his invisibility cloak over the two and took off. Lily's fear of falling came right back and she clutched at James. He noticed this and said, "I'm not going to let you fall." He flew above the Quidditch field and throughout the campus, finally flying into an open window in the astronomy tower.

There, he summoned ablanket from his wand, and laid it on the ground for him and Lily to lay down on and gaze at the stars. Lily immediately curled up to James and the couple enjoyed the view together.

A/N: Short filler chapter. My bad. Oh well, let's get some drama in the next chapter.... >:) hehe. First review over this chapter (It doesn't have to be a good review people!) gets the next chapter dedicated to them!

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now