Chapter 14

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A/N: Thank you guys for getting this story to 1,000 reads. It might not mean that much to some of you, but this is my first story, and I'm happy that it finally got this far. And a special thank you to all the comments/reviews and my fans!(: 

Also, you should check out MeganLuvsU. She's an amazing author and her book, "Bad Girls Go Good" is amazing!(: 

Disclaimer: Being quite the muggle I am, I do not own anything in this story besides the plot.


Chapter 14:

James escorted Lily down to the Great Hall which had been cleared and decoratedd for the night's Valentine's Ball. Mini Cupids were flying around and pink and red rose petals were charmed to fall from the ceiling but disappeared before they could touch anybody. As they walked in, all eyes were on them. Who would've ever imagined Lily accepting James's request? Sirius and Remus waved them over to where they were sitting with their dates. As they walked over, everybody snapped back to reality and went on with whatever they were doing in the first place. When they reached the table, all the Marauders plus Marlene, Alice, and Frank were already seated. Peter sat there alone, fiddling with his robes. 

"Hey Remus, how's your furry little situation?" Lily asked Remus. James, Sirius, and Peter looked up at her in shock. How did she know?

Remus laughed and replied, "They're getting better, the potions you make are really helping with the transformation and the pain afterwards." Lily looked up to see the rest of the Marauders gaping at her like fish.

She shrugged, "It was obvious. He missed classes during a full moon. When he gets back, he's worn out and sometimes injured. So I pieced it together and confronted him about it. When he told me, I remembered a potion that I read about that helped with the transformation. After a bit of searching, I found the recipe and brewed a few potions for him."

The Marauders relaxed. She didn't know about their animagi. Remus spoke up, "Lily, a full moon is coming up soon and we're out of potions. Do you think you can brew more?" She nodded. 

She remembered seeing the other Marauders being beat up after the full moon as well, but before she could ask, they had all dispersed. Another song started playing and James took Lily's hand. 

"May I have this dance, my lady?" Lily laughed and nodded. James swept her onto the dance floor and started twirling her around like the other people around them. Afterwards, a slow song came on and they swayed back and forth . 

"Thanks for saying yes to tonight. You look beautiful." James said. She looked breathtaking and he was really tempted to kiss her. She blushed and looked down. Unintentionally, he leaned in until their faces were inches apart. Lily lifted her head up to look at him and saw his face coming closer to hers. Without thinking, she closed the gap in between them. Their lips met and everything around them seemed to disappear. Sparks flew and before they knew it, they were breathless and pulled apart. James grinned at her. "That was amazing... and Lily?" James pointed his wand at the ceiling. The ceiling had been transformed into the night sky. Stars started popping up and forming letters until it formed eight words. "Will you finally go out with me, Lily?" 


Hmm... Let's shake things up a bit. For every chapter from here on, the first person to comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them until this book is finished. And by comment, I mean like a review, telling me how it was, what you liked about it, what you guys want to happen in the next chapter, etc. I can also use some constructive criticism. Nothing like "Hi!" or "Comment". 

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now