Chapter 15

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A/N: I hate to say this, but starting from now until next summer, it's going to be VERY difficult for me to update. I'm just starting high school, and I'm going to the 7th or 8th best high school in the nation, so it's a prestigious school. They warned us that there's going to be at least 4 hours of homework each night. Even though it's still summer, I have an English project due the first day and an AP History assignment. I'm thinking of getting an assistant writer. Someone who I can tell my ideas to and have them write the chapter for me and post it. Until I can come up with another idea or something, feel free to message me your ideas. 

Anyways, on with this chapter. Sadly it'll be a filler chapter. Short and boring.

Disclaimer: I, sadly, did not receive my letter from Hogwarts on my 11th birthday, so I am not worthy of being able to state that anything magical in this story, besides the plot, belongs to me. 


Recap: Stars starting popping up and forming letters until it formed eight words. "Will you finally go out with me, Lily?"

Lily was silent. She was staring at the ceiling in awe. Nobody had ever went to such extremes to ask her out. James appeared nervous beside her. "So how about it, Lils?" She looked at him and without a word threw her arms around him. The Great Hall burst out in applause. 

James laughed, "I take that as a yes?" 

"Of course." Lily beamed. 

Marlene and Alice ran up to Lily. Remus and Sirius had seemed to have found James as well and were patting him on the back and expressing their shock at her answer. 

Alice squealed. "You finally said yes! We knew you liked him!!! Now we can all hang out at Diagon Alley together and not be awkward being a third wheel or whatever! We have to plan everything together!..." Lily wasn't even listening anymore. She was looking at her new boyfriend who was talking to his friends. He caught her gaze and gave her his usual crooked smile. She automatically smiled back. And to think last year, she would have hexed him for embarrassing her. Now they were dating. 

Slamming the door, somebody had stalked off from the Great Hall with a mix of emotions running through them. Hate, betrayal, anger, hurt. 

" You will pay for this, Potter. I planned everything perfectly, a way to get her back. You've ruined them."


Ehh. Not my best chapter. It was a spur of the moment chapter.. I might edit it though. 

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now