Chapter 1

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Hey guys! This is my first story yet, and I can't claim this idea as mine fully. I adopted this story from computer geek on fanfiction. So, enough with my talk, let's get started!

Disclaimer: All characters and/or settings belong to JK Rowling

Chapter 1:

Lily studied herself in the mirror. She was startled when she first saw her reflection, but she instantly liked it. She had become an illegal animagus. At first, she couldn't figure out what animal she wanted to be. It haed to be one that could run quickly and be left alone if seen. She couldn't deicde, so she chose her patronus, a doe. As a doe, she had auburn red hair with a white stomach, snout, and white spots on her forehead. Her eyes still were a vibrant emerald green. She admired herself once more in the mirror before changing back into human form.

Lily looked at herself again. Her brght, auburn red hair was flowing freely; ending at her waist. Her skin was was soft and has a creamy hue to it. Her emerald orbs shined with triumph and her bright smile etched upon her face. She adjusted her uniform one last time and glanced at the calender.

December 23

All her girl friends were away for Christmas holidays with their families. Lily had stayed to practice her animagi. She didn't want anyone to know of her secret. She only wanted to become an animagus so she could run free at night when she needed to clear her head. Lily needed that a lot lately. With her confused feelings for James and all.

Her and James had become really good friends over the years. He wasn't the arrogant toerag that constantly messed with her in first year, but instead he had matured- along with the rest of the Marauders. He had become a kind, sweet, and handsome guy. 

Suddenly, as Lily was preparing to go out and run, there a crash from James's room in our dorm. A thud and laughter followed afterwards. She snuck into the Marauders' territory. James noticed her and filled her in on what had happened.

"Sirius had tripped on the bed and landed in the curtains causing him to think it was dementors. Then he panicked and had a spaz attack which eventually led to the curtain falling and the curtain rod falling on top of him." He finished with his famous smirk.

Lily tried holding in her laughter but later failed and started laughing which led to another chain of laughter. While they were laughing, she took in James's look. His raven hair stucks up on all ends messily, his hazel eyes twinkling with oure delight and his smile was breathtaking. She had a sudden urge to press her own soft, rose colored lips against his, but she held back.

After consoling and untangling Sirius, Lily snuck out to prance around in the Forbidden Forest. She made sure the door was closed before sneaking out of the portrait and closing it silently.

A/N: I'm thinking small, frequent chapters will satisfy you. Though now I'm going to start on Chapter 2. Hope you enjoyed. Please review! Your opinions matters!

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat