Chapter 3

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As I said, I'm creating Chapter 3 to make up for Chapter 2. Hope you enjoy this! Thank you to "computer geek" on If it weren't for him/her, this story would not exist!

Disclaimer: I, sadly, do not own the characters or some of the settings in this book. They belong to the purely magical J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 3:

December 24th 3:30 p.m.

Lily was resting near the lake during her free time.  Nobody was around, but she loved the silence. She could finally think. There was a soft breeze that ran through her hair and a tree that she relaxed against. It didn't even feel like winter. Normally, Lily would've enjoyed this weather and read her book, but her mind was full of things. 'Why is there a stag at Hogwarts? Should I tell someone about me being an animagus? I need to tell somebody, but who would understand? How do I tell James that I think I like him? What in Merlin's name is going on?'

All of a sudden, a stag appeared before her. It was the same one from the night before, she realized. Trying not to startle the animal, she began talking to it.

"Hey there. Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you." The stag seemed to laugh and it's eyes stood out to Lily. "You're such a handsome stag." Lily reached out, but the stag took a step back. "Oh, right. Where are my manners? My name is Lily Evans." If anybody were to walk by, they would've probably thought she was crazy for talking to an animal, but she took no notice.

The stag blinked and slowly walked next to her and sat down. Lily smiled.

"I wonder what your name is... I will call you... Um..." She thought back to it's eyes. "You have James's eyes! You're so lucky! His eyes are so dreamy. I guess I'll call you Potter. It suits you." She babbled.

The stag just stared at her.

"You don't mind if I talk to you, do you? I mean, I just need to talk. My friends are all gone, and my girl friends normally babble on about beauty and that stuff. Anyways, I don't think I can trust anybody with what's going on in my head." The stag stared at her for a while before nodding. Lily smiled.

"One of my friends, Hestia Jones, is in love with Sirius Black. She keeps dropping hints, but he's just too blind to notice. Honestly, I'm considering slapping him across the face and telling him. Hestia won't stop moping about it and I'm bloody tired of hearing about it!" Lily huffed.

She laid back on the grass and sighed.

"Last night, I had this dream where me and this guy were dancing in the rain and then we kissed like they do in those movies. It seems really romantic and I'd really like that to be my first kiss..." Lily babbled on and on. Little did she know that James was taking notes and making plans.

That's the end of chapter 3. I really hope you enjoyed it! Anyways, I think this will be enough for tonight. It's spring break though. I think I'll upload a couple more chapters tomorrow! Please review and maybe spread the word? (: 

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz