Chapter 12

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A/N: I have an excuse this time for not updating for forever!!! So after my birthday party, I had a ton of cleaning to do, and I had to work a ton (preparing for vacation!). After that, I left for vacation for a couple of weeks, and came back a few days ago. I brought my cousin along with me back so I've been showing her around too. I'll try to make this as long as I possibly can. If it isn't enough, then I'll upload another chapter.


Chapter 12:

Valentine's Day

"LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!! WE HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO!!!!" The red head groaned and covered her head with her pillow. Marlene and Alice just had to wake her up early to get pampered.

"Go awayy!!!" she groaned and tried to go back to sleep. Marlene and Alice looked at one another deviously. Alice pulled Lily's blanket and pillow from her while Marlene worked on getting her to the bathroom and started unpacking all their supplies.

"Why must we do this so early?" Lily moaned and started brushing her teeth.

"Beauty takes a lot of time. We want an early start so we don't have to rush." Marlene shrugged.

The ball was going to start at 6 and end at midnight. It was currently 11 AM. Okay, so it was basically late, but Lily was NOT a morning person.

"What about lunch?" Lily whined. She got hit in the face with a sandwich covered in plastic wrap.

"Eat up. We'll need all this time... and your bathroom. It's so much bigger than ours." Alice said while starting a bath for each of them. (Just pretend there's three bathtubs.... or they magically summoned some) "We'll spend an hour relaxing and then we have to pamper ourselves. Got it?"

Marlene and Lily nodded. Quickly eating her sandwich, Lily undressed and got into a tub. It had a lavender scent and instantly soothed her nerves. Alice must've poured a bit of lavender oil in to help them. 

The three girls quickly felt at ease and quickly relaxed.


4:00 PM- 2 hours before the ball

Lily was quicky getting tired of this. She hated dressing up and having to put herself through everything. After her bath, she used a drying spell on her hair and a spell that removed her leg hair and etc. since she was too lazy to wax or shave. Then she helped Alice and Marlene with their makeup and hair. Marlene had her hair straightened and her dark brown hair fell down her back ending just below her shoulder blade. She then put it up in a neat bun with a few strands falling out. She helped Alice curl her hair and pull it up in a messy updo. Marlene had a classic smokey eyeshadow and red lipstick. Alice had a smokey eyeshadow as well and a dab of lip gloss. Now it was Lily's turn. She was turned away from the mirror which she protested at, but was quickly silenced by the two girls working on her. 

5:30- 30 minutes before the ball

Marlene and Alice had finally finished her transformation, but she hadn't seen her reflection yet. The girls had shooed her into her room to slip on their dresses. After they had fixed their dresses, they shoved Lily into her bathroom. They pulled her over to the full-length mirror and spun her around to face her reflection. Taking in her look, she gasped. This person couldn't be her. It faintly resembled her though. Marlene and Alice did a good job of cleaning her up. While she usually pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, it was shiny and curled to perfection and let down. Her eyeshadow started at the base with an emerald color that matched her dress and slowly faded into a smokey eye at the tips and at the crease line, enhancing her vibrant green eyes. Alice had put a lightly tinted lip gloss on her that shimmered here and there. They had also put a tiny bit of mascara and eyeliner to help define her eyes. 

"This can't be me. My mind is playing tricks on me." Lily murmured.

"So I take it we did a good job?" Marlene asked.

Lily nodded and turned around. She linked arms with the other two girls and walked out of her room to meet their dates.


Marlene's dress>>>>>>> 

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now