Chapter 21

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Disclaimer: I am not JK Rowling, nor am I the Warner Bros. :(

A/N: There are fighting thoughts in this chapter. Both the italics AND 'apostrophes' are thoughts. Just letting you know! Enjoy~

Chapter 21

A couple hours later, James woke up and decided to see Lily. He walked to the other side of the Head's dorm to her door and knocked.

"Lils?" Lily popped her head through the door.

"Yes?" She beamed up at the curly headed boy. James smiled at the sight and sighed.

"Tonight I need to take prefect duty. One of the kids in charge tonight got sick and, of course, no one volunteered to take their spot." The lie flowed right out of his mouth easily. His heart clenched as he saw Lily's face drop and a fake smile take over her face. He hated lying to his love, but she couldn't know of his criminal work. Not yet at least. If he told her, he posed the risk of losing her. It wasn't a possibility, especially considering the number of years it took to get her to say yes. 

'But then again, you keeping this from her AND lying also leads to a bigger risk of losing her...' his mind fought against him.

'Yes, but there is a smaller chance of her finding out this way, also meaning less of a chance to lose her.' He argued back.

"I better get ready..." he stated awkwardly and went to prepare for the night, leaving behind a confused and hurt Lily. "I'm going crazy... arguing with myself." he muttered under his breath.


A/N: Short chapter, I know. Sorry! But do remember, first person to leave feedback here gets the next chapter dedicated to them.  

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