Chapter 23

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A/N: Hey guys! So it's been 2 months since I last uploaded, eh? Sorry! Buuuut, we are almost at 5K reads! If we could get 5K before or on June 6, that would be the most amazing birthday present ever. I want to thank you all so much, and I promise, I'll upload a giant chapter after we hit 5K.


(I just realized the other day that these lines look really weird on mobile devices... It seperates the things in the space I'm typing in currently...)

Disclaimer: I do not have anything to do with Harry Potter. All characters, settings, and etc. all belong to J.K. Rowling.

Chapter 23

At last, the clock struck 11:20 PM. James quickly grabbed his emergency bag for the night and concealed it by the doorway. Sirius knocked in the portrait. James swung the portrait open and nodded at the other boy, handing him the bag.

"I'll be out in a few." James glanced around the common room and lingered at the bottom of the stairs that led to Lily's room. He walked up the steps to the door and knocked softly. No reply came, so James silently cracked the door open to reveal a sleeping Lily facing away from him.

He tiptoed in, smiling at the sight. Pushing a couple of pieces of her fiery hair back, he pressed his lips against her forehead before shuffling out of the room. 

It turned out that Lily was feigning sleep the whole time, her heart being stabbed ferociously every moment he was present. 


When the clock struck 11:30, Lily's alarm rang out into emptiness. She quickly got up and sprinted to the portrait, swinging it open to check if the coast was clear. Empty. She ran up to Jame's door, pressing her face to the bottom to check for any sign of the raven-haired boy. Nope. She opened the door and made a bee-line for his trunk.

After searching for what seemed to be a long period of time, she gave up. He must've taken the cloak with him. However, she did find a piece of parchment that was labeled "The Marauder's Map" (looks like the boys did not turn it back into a regular piece of parchment). She hoped for the best and ran to the common room to open it.

Seeing as she could see people and their whereabouts on this map, she checked the pathway to the entrance of the castle and was relieved to see the coast was clear of Filch. Scurrying out, she checked the map to see the where the boys were. She saw Remus's name in the shack, the boys inching their way up to the shack.

"Those stupid boys! Don't they know not to mess with a werewolf on a full moon?! Werewolved only take a liking to animals!" She muttered under her breath and broke out in a sprint to catch up to the boys. She was about to walk out the entrance when she heard voices. Desperately searching around for a hiding spot, she came across a thin curtain for the Slytherins and prayed that it was dark enough for nobody to notice her. The voices came closer at an agonizingly slow pace when they ceased right in front of the curtains with a "shush!" Lily's heartbeat sped up as if she were running for her life and she squeezed her eyes shut, preparing to get caught and yelled at. The figure before the curtain studied it for a moment before speaking up. 


A/N: Yes, I'm evil for leaving you with a cliffy. Let's try something new. The first person to comment what they would like to see later in the story will get the next chapter dedicated the them. 

Confiding Secrets with a Stag (Harry Potter Fanfic) [Discontinued/Unfinished]Where stories live. Discover now