"They got away." Guy growled as I saw the Sheriff beginning to silently fume.

Surprise, huh? Not. Hood always gets away and I’m getting rather tired of it!" He roared in Guy's face as Guy closed his eyes but didn't flinch as I watched the Sheriff look at Allan.

"This time, we go to him." The Sheriff spats as he walks past Allan, who turns around.

"Look, like I said to Giz, I..." Allan began as I frowned and struggled to not laugh as I glance at Guy whose hands curled into a fist as I saw he didn't like his nickname either.

"... I can’t tell you where Robin lives." Allan finished as I saw both Guy and the Sheriff turn to him and began to corner him as I saw him gulp slightly as they advanced slowly as though they were assessing their prey.

"Whose side are you on, Allan?" The Sheriff growled.

"Well, even if I did tell you, he might've moved on." I saw Allan cover up with a swallow as I hesitated for a small second, maybe Allan wouldn't betray them. Maybe he still cared.

"Well, we'll find out, won’t we? I want him dead." The Sheriff hissed.

"Yeah, but if he hasn't moved on, he'll have set all sorts of traps up. Just be too dangerous." Allan again tried to defend as I smirked slightly. He is good thinking on his feet, I will give him that.

"Yes, well, don’t you worry about that, eh, dear boy? We'll send you in first." The Sheriff smirked darkly patting Allan's shoulder as I saw his face pale slightly as I watched the Sheriff turn to leave. I continued to watch as Guy pushes Allan forward as I hurry off in the opposite direction towards the dungeons. They had blocked every entrance that I knew that lead in and out of the castle, maybe he knew of another way out of this prison.

Running down the steps I saw that the Jailer is making his rounds, walking between the steps and Edward’s cell. I slow my pace as he glances at me acknowledging my presences with a nod as I slowly make my way to my father's cell as I hold the bars.

"Esme!" My father called out slightly surprised to see me as I rushed over towards him.

"Father." I about to start my conversation when he gave me a warning look.

"Sh-sh-sh." He whispered as I watched from the corner of my eye the Jailer walk past us and then soon out of earshot before I then turned my focus back to my father.

"Father, Robin is in trouble. Allan is leading Gisborne to the camp. I need to find a way to get out of the castle and warn him, but the Sheriff has blocked every exit. I don’t know what to do." I whispered as I knew that if anyone knew how to escape it would be him. Though his solemn facial expression made me frown.

"Esme, you want to end up in a cell like me?" He asked me emotionlessly as I looked at surprised by his sudden change in attitude.

"No. But I must warn Robin." I responded cautiously.

"Is he worthy of all these risks you take for him?" He asked me cautiously as I frowned at him. Earlier he had been so willing to help Robin and I as we fought for King Richard. What has gotten into him?

"Yes he's family! He's practically my brother!" I snap my voice getting louder as I snarl and lower it before I get us both into serious trouble. How could he not think of Robin as his own son!

"He can’t change anything." He informed as I shook my head.

"Yes, he can. He is going to get the traitor’s pact and show it to the King. The Sheriff ’s days are numbered." I defended as I knew that my father was stubborn.

"And does Robin know where it is? This pact?" He questioned as I felt myself hesitate and pause.

"No.... But he'll find it." I told him both truthfully and hopefully. Robin would find it!

"The pair of you... you’re dreamers!" He insulted as I went wide eyed and gasped.

"Dreamers?! Because we are not weak like you?" I growl offended as I saw the hurt in his eyes.

"How dare you!"

"You caused all this! You allowed the Sheriff to walk in and take your job and you stood there and did nothing." I spat as I remembered how my father did nothing. He should still be Sheriff if he grew a backbone and didn't let others just walk all over him!

"That is not true."

"And you condemn Rob—You should be helping us. I don’t have time for this." I hiss as I take a deep breath to control my temper. Jerking the bar angrily I turn to leave before I say something that I regret before my father reaches through and grabs the back of my head, holding me and turning me back towards him.

"Esme!" My father warns as I shake my head at him refusing to listen.

"I’m ashamed of you sometimes." I sadly speak as I glance at him once more in the jail call before I turn to leave. My father tried to hold me back but I refuse to look at him as I make my way towards the steps leading out of the dungeons.

"Esme —" I heard my father cry out after me as I shook my head ashamed and furious. How could he say those things about Robin? What on earth has gotten into him? Reaching the top of the stairs I place my hands on my hips and bit my lower lip as I struggle to wonder what to do next. I have to get out the castle. Scratching the back of my head I notice my hair in a ponytail as I frown slightly. I am sure I had it in a bun this morning with my dagger holding it. Maybe I used a hair pin and it fell out. Shrugging my shoulders I made my way towards the courtyard thinking of a plan as I went.

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