Chapter 9

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"Fellow Englishmen, your sheriff and I bring you a gift. That gift is the reminder that we are free, and we should walk free. Today, your sheriff and I show no fear. Today we defy Robin Hood. Today we walk among you to show you that life goes on. We will not hide or cower in the face of outlaws. We will not change our lives to suit their campaigns of terror. We hold our heads high. Laws exist to protect us." Guy spoke as he and the Sheriff walked around the village of Nettlestone. Inside they felt sick to their stomachs with being kind to the poor, though Guy honestly didn’t think it was too bad.

Hiding away like planned and promised Robin and his men were in positions ready for the first sign of the Night Watchman, who they knew would try to kill the Sheriff. The Night Watchman was out in Nettlestone, with a bow and arrow rested in their lap ready, but not to kill the Sheriff. As the Sheriff continued to make their way down the streets the tension grew higher.

"If we allow Robin Hood to flout these laws, if we support him when he undermines basic justice, the taking of flour or bread, then where do we stop? We give him the right to ignore another law, and another, and finally to condole in taking of a human life. For that too is a law made to protect us. Your sheriff and I share your horror at the murder of innocence. And we stand here today to show that we are united…"Guy's voice was drowned out to the sounds of the villagers screams.

A guard had been shot by walking in the way between the Sheriff and the arrow that was meant for him. The culprit dressed in armor, which was noticed to be a soldier by the Night Watchman, made a run for it trying to escape. Robin noticed the Night Watchman escape from the bushes running after the real killer. However Robin slightly faster, grabbed the Night Watchman's ankle, dragging them down as they landed with a painful thud.

"What do you think you’re doing? You’re killing innocent people! What kind of man are you?" Robin shouted at the Night Watchman, as he ripped off his own mask to show it was Esme, who looked like she was in some real pain. She had landed on her wounded side when Robin had tackled her to the found.

"Esme?" He asked shocked as he got up from her, not able to believe that Esme is the Night Watchman.

"Yes." She hissed as she held her side before weakly getting up as pain shot through her right side. She mentally cursed herself as she picked up her bow and arrow that had fallen to the ground. Just then Much came out from the bushes panting as he looked at Esme with wide eyes completely taken by surprise.

"You’re the Night Watchman?" He asked not believing it either as Esme rolled her eyes and shoved past them with her running on after her.

"There’s no time for this. I know who’s trying to kill the sheriff. It’s Joe." She informed them as Robin frowned deeper, trying to comprehend.

"Joe Lacey?" Robin asked shocked. This definitely was the day when Robin was finding everything shocking and confusing. The three of the them ran until they spotted Joe, who had a clear vision through the bushes of the Sheriff down below.

"Joe! Put it down. Put the bow down, Joe." Robin shouted as Joe turned to see both of them and looked at them sadly before shaking his head.

"You let me do this, Robin." He pleaded as if in some trance.

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