Eight| here i come

Start from the beginning

"I would have never expected this from you, Selena."

"It's for you're own good." She mumbled, grabbing his arm as he stood. She heard Gandía behind her, yelling for Nairobi to drop her weapons, and when she turned around she saw her in a headlock.

"Let her go." Lona aims her gun at the man.

"You wouldn't shoot the governor, but I'll put a bullet in this bitches head." The bald man spoke roughly.

She swallowed knowing she wouldn't shoot the governor unless necessary, which it was starting to look like it was. She aimed her gun to the ceiling and fired one shot, causing Gandía to let her friend go.

They walked down the hall, Barcelona dragging the governor with Tokio and Nairobi on either side of her. Guns pointed at everyone's head. "I don't know what you want from this, Selena,but you won't get out of this."

"Hm. Then I guess we're not leaving." Nairobi spoke tauntingly.

"Nairobi, push the elevator." Barcelona spoke as she waited for the doors to open, she could see the governor looking around at his men hiding behind pillars.

Backing into the elevator, the governor elbowed Lona in the face which cause her to shoot, catching him in his shoulder. Bullets flew around the girls wildly as they tried to dodge every one, lona reached for the governor but the door was closing and Nairobi pulled her away before she lost a limb. "Fuck!" Barcelona kicked the door, taking her black heels off and slamming them against it. "That old son of a bitch!"

"What the fuck just happened!" Nairobi screamed, pulling her hair. "What happened? How are you here!"

"I escaped." Barcelona whispered, staring at the door. She turned and faced Tokio who held tears in her eyes. "Rio?" Her voice was barely audible.

Lona walked to Tokio and the short haired girl fell into her arms, clinging to her. "He's alive." Barcelona whispered as she held her neck. "Don't worry, I'm keeping him safe." Barcelona's knew what she was feeling, the unsettling feeling of wondering if their lover is alive or not.

"What are you doing?" Barcelona watched as Nairobi pressed the button on the elevator wall.

"They're going down! We have to go up!"

Lona shook her head. "No, no. We are going down." She held her gun high, watching as her friends followed her call.

"We're all in, Tokio style." Nairobi smiled slightly when she saw Barcelona try to hold her laugh.

The elevator doors opened and the Professor watched as the three girls walked out slowly, taking in their surroundings. "Where's the governor?" Raquel asked frantically.

The professor looked around the cameras, seeing nothing but destroyed property. "I can't see him."

"We have to tell Martín" Raquel was handed over the headset to Sergio, waiting for him to inform his friend.

Barcelona could hear the rushed footsteps come from her left side. "Lona, lona!" Nairobi rushed out, tucking herself closer to the girl.

"Relax, Robi, relax." She looked around as they were all shoulder to shoulder, the governors men surrounding them. "Where the fuck is the governor?" She hissed to herself as she spun in a circle.

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