They both enjoyed their preferred sweets in silence, and all seemed to be going well, while Nekozawa explained maybe closer to sunset he'd go around the park for a bit before heading home to see his sister. Saiki, thanks to Nekozawa and the delicious coffee beans he had been given. They didn't smell like average Japanese coffee beans, so being rich or not, it must have been a hassle to get them.

By the time Nekozawa and Saiki had both paid (Even though Nekozawa paid for both of them after dragging Saiki to the cafe at the last minute), they both began to roam the city but stood in the shade as much as humanly possible for Nekozawa to not pass out.

But since this was a comedy, things had to take a turn for the worst, as Nekozawa and Saiki talked, Yumehara and Teruhashi came walking in their direction. Even if Saiki tried to avoid them, how could he hide Nekozawa with him? He was a handsomely good looking person who was already getting a lot of attention from passers-by. Saiki tried to find another way out but was stuck in the middle of a problem.

Teleport and avoid Teruhashi and Yumehara, but have Nekozawa find out about his powers, or not, and get stuck with the girls for likely the entire day. The option would be a lot more simple if it was just him Nekozawa and the two girls coming towards him, but they were also in a public place, and Nekozawa was good looking. He succumbed to fate.

Why do you hate me, god? What did I do to you?

"Oh, Saiki!" Teruhashi perked up, the light surrounding her grew larger, making Nekozawa step back. Teruhashi seemed twice as happy as the last time he saw her.

'Oh thank you gods!' she thought 'You have answered just at the right time too! I missed Saiki-kun a lot, I know he's going to say Oh Wow when he sees I'm the one calling him...' she smiled vividly only making her aura larger Nekozawa stepped back.

'I've heard of her...' Nekozawa thought, 'She's just like how I imagined...'

No, please.

'Demon like!'

Saiki sweatdropped at that, but Saiki didn't choose to disagree with that either. However, most people saw her as an angel instead of a demon, other than Kusuke of course, even Saiki didn't see her as a demon. Seeing her as a desperate teenager is what she was.

'Oh? And he had a friend with him? He's so shy, that's adorable! But don't worry Saiki's friend, I can introduce myself to you!'

Teruhashi gave her signature smile and stepped a little to the side to see Nekozawa. "Hello, I'm Kokomi Teruhashi an old-time friend-- oh wow." she cut her sentence off when she looked at Nekozawa who stood there shyly, Teruhashi couldn't peel her eyes away, and everyone started to become uncomfortable.


Nekozawa got your tongue?

Teruhashi continued to stutter, but by them, Yumehara thought that she could come in with her grand opening. "Hi!" she said cheerily, and fixed up her bow, "I'm Chiyo Yumehara, it's a pleasure to meet you...?" she drifted off as if to try and catch his name, she was also very attracted to him but it didn't seem to affect her as much as it did to Teruhashi who had already begun to get a nose bleed.

"Nekozawa Umehito." he was quiet, and almost stepped behind Saiki as to try and block him from the demon.

"It's a pleasure!" Teruhashi cut in stuttering like a child who just learned to speak.

Good grief, I wouldn't go after him. Saiki complained but didn't bother the fact that most of the attention was taken off of him.

"Where you are guys going somewhere?" Yumehara asked Nekozawa gave her a nod, Teruhashi's nose began to bleed more as she saw him like how his customers saw him, as a cute hopeless romantic, who needed a girl.

'I can ask them out to go get coffee, then Nekorata and Saiki can say oh wow to me!' she happily thought, but she didn't take into consideration that the two boys (who didn't have anything to do) had something to do.

Good grief, I'm in a different school can you stop trying now.

Saiki gave a nod of his head, and even though Chiyo was sad she sucked it up like the teen she was. Teruhashi hadn't budged, as she continued to pester the bunch, "We can go with you," she said as she got closer to Nekozawa who scooted away from her.

'Saiko isn't interested in me, Nekorata isn't interested in me either, and neither is Saiki! Am I losing my touch?'

It's Nekozawa, and the only thing you're losing your touch with is with reality. Now leave!

Saiki also didn't understand why Saiko suddenly wasn't interested in Teruhashi anymore? Didn't he go to P.K Academy just for her, to begin with?

Saiki ignored the fact and tried to push past Teruhahi. Yumehara didn't exactly know what to do.

"I need to buy a present for my boyfriend!" Nekozawa perked up, Teruhashi, Yumehara, and Saiki all froze. That was irrationally sudden. "So unless you know what's to get him, you can leave or shed your blood which I can use in a ritual!"

It only took Teruhashi a second to comprehend what Nekozawa just said, before she looked at both boys, and said an awkward goodbye.

'On second thought, I don't want an Oh Wow from that Neko-something boy,'

I knew he couldn't keep a proper conversation.

"So..." Saiki stood there awkwardly, watching both girls disappear into the crowd, "You have a boyfriend now?"

Nekozawa gave him a light smile and nodded, twiddling his thumbs on the palms of his hands, as he walked on forward, now thinking about what to get Saiko.

Please don't invite me to the wedding.

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