Readying ourselves for a Fight

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It soon turned off and apparently Aphmau could save us all, wielding a relic. 

I groaned as a rush of air blew into my slowly healing burns. I looked down, and I recognised the relic that stood in front of me.

I sighed, closing my eyes as I shoved my relic into me. 

I shined with light, as my burns healed, and my clothes turned into black and red robes. 

Gold linings stood out and a hood appeared on my head.

 I groaned as I gripped the stairs. 

I knew people were watching me, and so Luna flew to Aphmau. 

"Y/n?" I looked up in pain as my back grew large black angelic wings. 

A tail with a blade grew too, and it was furry. I moaned as my teeth turned to fangs and my nails turned to claws. 

I felt armour grow underneath my skin and my eyes clamped shut as pain erupted from them. 

My eyes shot open, as the white disappeared, turning into fiery flames. They emitted power from them and black smoke came from the fire in my eyes. 

The building shook once more and Katelyn and Garroth headed towards me. I hugged them and they headed off when everyone was ready. I gripped Aphmau's hand as we moved back.

I hugged Aaron and I moved away from the canon. I looked Luna in the eyes. She knew what I was asking and nodded. 

Tears dripped down my cheeks, and my eyes brightened as I used my power to turn her into a dragon. 

Spikes grew out of her scaly body and her feathers became skin. Her eyes changed like mine and her scales hardened, and her claws grew sharper. 

I groaned and fell to a knee. I regathered my strength and watched as the three stood under the canon. 

Meanwhile on the roof, Terry finally reached Michael and tried to speak with Travis but he was thrown away when Katelyn punched Michael. 

Katelyn and Garroth went to fight, but Katelyn was thrown away and Garroth was at the end of a sword. 

Zianna appeared in front of Garroth and the two hugged. 

Zianna began to convince Garroth, making him fall under Michael's control once more. 

Toby fired shots at Michael who approached, but then teleported in front of Toby. 

Katelyn stood up, and Garroth went to attack. 

Aphmau and I held each others hand as we walked up the stairs. Not only was a dragon behind us, but three relics floated behind Aphmau. 

We walked up the stairs and I noticed Michael quickly. 

Aphmau ingested all three relics and her wings formed with her eyes white. I sent Luna forward and she transformed to a bigger size. 

"You... You're one of the three pieces of her broken soul?" 

We both got into fighting positions and the Demon began laughing. 

"Fine, if you want to play God... then let me kill you both in a place more fit for a Goddess to die."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2020 ⏰

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