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When they arrived at the base, she was taken inside. 

She growled at those who surrounded her but followed anyway.

She was taken to a podium where she laid down. 

She was then surprised by the muzzle on her mouth. 

She heard loud footsteps approach and saw Aaron who was surrounded by guards, coming towards her. 

She growled louder at the guards surrounding her brother and so when they let him up, and he laid down, she found herself laying her head on his side. 

He nuzzled her, but she knew that he wasn't all there. 

She concentrated on him and found herself surrounded by white. 

A figure was in the middle, on his knees. 

'Aaron...' (Y/N) thought. She slowly approached and kneeled in front of him. 

"Aaron. Can you hear me?" 

A voice spoke. (Y/N) glanced upwards, to see Irene looking down at Aaron. 

"Aaron. (Y/N). They are going to do something horrible to you. You cannot stay here." 

"I deserve this." Aaron spoke, his voice blank like his eyes. 

"What happened to your determination?" 

"You told me to accept who I am... but in the end... they were right. I am a monster. Murderer." 

"No. This doing was not on your own. Either of yours. Someone wanted you to fall. He wanted you to suffer." 

"It's all my fault. Everything. It's all my fault." 

"Not... Not everything, Aaron." 

"You both have the power to leave this place. The power to prevent further destruction." 

"I don't want to... Anymore. I just want to vanish. With you, (Y/N)..." (Y/N) grabbed his hand, squeezing it. 

"Aaron. My power... Is a dying light. On it's last breath..." Suddenly her voice changed, to sound similar to Aphmau's. 

"You cannot come back from this." 

"Just let us go." 

"If they take you both... Your souls will not return to this dream. You will cease to ever exist again. And a third lifetime, will never be possible." 

"I just want to die." 

"The man I knew, lost everything. Somewhere, I decided to give it back. I'm sorry. I couldn't save them but I saved someone who I know, will always help you. Please... stand... please..." 

At a different area, Zach walked down the hallway, passing a cell before finding Derek. 

"It won't be long now." 

"I heard what you did. Your own daughter?" Derek growled. 

"That wasn't my decision." 

"And you just sat there and let it happen?!" Derek spoke louder as he approached the door. 

"You were supposed to protect her!" 

"She had nothing to do with me!" 

"You were her father! She needed you! She had a life! A future!" 

"I couldn't do anything about it! It was out of my hands!" 

"And who's fault is that?! You're blind if you think Michael is going to lead you to anything but a hopeless hellhole!" 

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