Last days of Paradise...

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I ended up going to bed, and after a few days, I saw Gene around and decided to go with Aph and Aaron to the beach. 

We took Dante and Gene as well and Aphmau was able to swim. I went back home and the next day, Aph made some pancakes. 

I grabbed some pancakes and ate some. I quite enjoyed them too and the next day came quickly. We were having the cruise today, and had to come home. 

We quickly packed whatever we could, before heading out to the cruise ship. We arrived and we were taken to our rooms, and I was sleeping alone. 

I was in my room when Aaron came into my room, "(Y/n), can we talk?" "Sure. What's up?" He sat at the end of my bed and I looked him in the eye. 

"I wanna know your opinion on me asking Aph to move in with me." 

"You should do it. I'll help you for security." He smiled and nodded at me, and soon left. 

I followed after Aphmau and Aaron, and Zane and I stood on watch. 

Katelyn nodded at me and they walked past me, "Give her some alone time with Aaron, guys." 

Everyone left and Aph finally gave her answer. I walked towards the couple and hugged Aaron, "Am I still gonna stay with you?" 

He smiled softly at me and looked to Aph. "Aph?" She met my eyes and nodded. 

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