The Cold is Deadly

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(Y/N)'s POV:

I groaned as I sat up, I held my head and saw Lucinda next to me. 

"Lucinda? What... happened?" 

"You mean, you don't remember? You were knocked unconscious." 

I gripped my head and groaned, she soon left and I left the building, because Aaron had left.

 I shifted into a snow leopard and ran through the forest. 

Snow stuck to my paws and fur as I ran but I didn't care. 

I ended up finding Aaron, who was watching Michi leave. 

I walked up to Aaron and he was surprised to see me. 

I walked with him and then he found Aph. 

I followed behind them secretly and they got into a cave. 

I broke most of the tree for sticks and Aaron took his jacket off and gave it to Aphmau.

 Aaron looked out of the cave and I shined my purple eyes at him. 

I dropped some sticks into the cave after a while and I changed into my human form and dropped my jacket off as well when Aph had went out. 

I gave Aaron my jacket as I started to freeze and I shifted back into my leopard form. I curled my tail around him to warm him up and the woman from the first day brought in Aphmau's unconscious body. 

"Hello..." She spoke and I growled lowly at her, warning her not to try anything. 

She nodded and created a fire, I continued to warm Aaron up as the woman warmed Aph up. 

I ended up falling asleep, curled around Aaron.

Aphmau's POV:

When I awoke, I saw a fire right in front of me. 

"h-huh? Fire...? I'm alive. But how? I-" 

I looked beside me and saw the woman that saved me watching Aaron being cuddled by a snow leopard. 

"woah! Um...? Who are you?" 

"Quiet. You will wake them." 

"That's my boyfriend, tell your leopard to get off of him." 

"She's not my leopard. And this isn't a boy, it's a Man." 

"I know that. But... what I mean to say is, 'what is she doing to him?'" 

"She's keeping him warm. He was out cold. Any longer and he might have died." 

"Were you the one who saved us?" 

"Yes. But I saved him. You had his scent so I did the same thing for you as she is doing to him."

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