Another Taken

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(Y/n)'s POV

When I awoke, I was still cuddled around Aaron. 

Aphmau and the woman were talking and I growled at the woman. 

My eyes shined red dangerously at her and she backed away. 

My eyes glanced at Aphmau and they turned blue. 

She gasped in shock and I felt Aaron's body start creating it's own heat. 

It had me and the fire warming it up. 

After a while, I heard a howl and the woman got up, and ran to the entrance of the cave. 

She had to go soon, so she told me to wake Aaron up. 

I licked Aaron and he soon woke up, I looked at the lady and she met my gaze and nodded. 

I nodded back and I nudged them forward, as she was going to lead them. 

She took us to the cave from before and soon enough we lost the woman. 

I followed Aaron and Aph and we found an underground cavern. 

We found Lucinda in a cage and so I climbed up a bunch of rocks and I leaped onto her cage. 

I met her eyes and she was frightened. 

She explained to the two as I tried to break her cage. 

We could hear someone coming, but I didn't listen to Lucinda, she was telling me to go. 

I growled but she pleaded to me to leave. 

Aaron grabbed my fur and I was pulled away. 

We continued to venture the caves and I followed them into the lodge. 

I looked at Aaron and they soon left me alone. I shifted into an owl and flew through the cave system and stood on a ledge and watched as two wolves appeared at an entrance, growling at Lucinda in the cage. 

They looked at her and started to communicate but walked back to the entrance. 

Suddenly the wolf dropped a bag of emeralds when suddenly a figure in a hood stood between the two wolves, and he looked through the emeralds. 

In his hand, he held a potion and an emerald. 

He suddenly threw the potion after a while at Lucinda and her eyes became green. 

I flapped my wings when she was gone and my talons grew, I swooped the figure in the hood and continued to attack, even though I had the two wolves with him, trying to attack me. 

He ended up hitting my wing, and I squawked loudly and quickly flew away. 

I flew through the concrete wall, and saw Aaron and Kim walking away. 

I slightly groaned in pain, and landed on my feet. 

I changed my form into my human one and walked away.

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