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"Grandma, why are we moving again?" Aziel asked as he packed his things as he had been told to.

"Az, you're gonna be 18 soon and might even have the chance to find your mate, but before all that I think you need to get back to civilization and learn to socialize. I believe Durwood city will be a great new page for us. The Council has also shifted headquarters and I'm needed to be closer to it in case of any emergencies." Lucy replied with a warm smile.

"But I love it here." Aziel groaned.

"I know I do too but we can't stay cooped up in this mountain cabin forever." Lucy reasoned with her grandson.


Now Az found himself sitting in the front seat of his grandma's car as they began their eight hour long journey to Durwood City. As the car moved further away from their house, as the image of the mountains seemed to fade in the horizon, reality suddenly crept back into Az's mind. Crescent Mountain had been the escape he had hoped and needed for the past five years and now leaving behind the place suddenly meant leaving behind his safe haven and entering a new journey. He feared the worst especially after what he had learnt from the attack five years ago....

Lucy Grovinia Douler was not only Az's grandmother but was also part of the Elder's Council for the Spirit and Night wolves. Along with Matthew and a few other members of the council they had set up an investigation on the slaughter of the Blackwood pack. The Rogues as predicted had returned after a day or two and began scavenging the town for whatever they were searching for. Upon spying on them for weeks Matthew finally learnt that the Rogues were not interested in the pack but rather the people they were harboring: their primary target was the Spirit Wolves- Az and his family. This only added to the strangeness and suspicions of the murder as only the Alpha and Luna knew of the Chasin's family secret.

They concluded that someone in the pack must have overheard and spread the message or the Alpha and Luna had betrayed their trust. Either way Az being a Spirit Wolf from a pure bloodline was definitely in danger. It didn't help that the incident broke Az's trust in people completely. He couldn't believe that the people who he had called family would betray their trust. Novak also became distant as he in his own way mourned for their parents' deaths.
Crescent Mountain came as a pleasing surprise. However for the first three months Az didn't utter a word, he enclosed himself within the four walls of his room letting his tears flow washing away his frustration and sorrow little by little with each drop. Lucy had given the boy some space but would regularly check up on him to make sure he was okay. Sleep, eat, think, cry, shower, sleep had become Az's daily routine for quite some time until his wolf had taken over and began breaking him out of his shell. Novak had always been wiser and stronger than Az. Together they began putting back the pieces of his shattered heart. Lucy had engaged Az back into studies through online classes to get some structure back into his life, but it took Az almost 2 years to finally come to terms with the deaths.

It was during his fifteen birthday that he discovered something strange about Novak. All spirit wolves could talk to their inner wolf but none had ever heard of an inner wolf that could manifest itself in astral form outside, but Novak could mysteriously do just that. Az was overjoyed that he could see his wolf and talk to him face to face. When he told his Grandma about it, she couldn't believe her grandson because she could never see the wolf herself. She dismissed the idea as an imaginary friend created by Az's subconsciousness to deal with his loss and loneliness.

It was in Crescent Mountain that Az had learnt to become himself again. It was here that he got to know his Grandma better, become one with his wolf in spirit and body, learnt how to be happy again and above learnt how to live again...

Legacy of the Royal WolvesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora