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Az woke up disorientated and drained. His eyes felt heavy and his body seemed tired as though he had ran multiple marathons. He took in his surroundings and realized he was on a bed, Caden's bed. Then the memories flooded his head and he sat right up. He knew he had a lot of answering to do.

"Don't worry Az, I'm sure they'll understand us and our reasons." Novak said in a calming voice but that didn't help ease Az's nerves, he was still nervous about coming clean about his heritage to the Caden and his pack.

The door soon opened and the air was left stuck on AZ's throat as he looked at Caden who had a very crossed expression in his face.

"Here drink this."Caden said as he passed the glass of apple juice to Az, who accepted it gladly. "How are you feeling?" Caden asked. He still wanted answers and a decent explanation but he couldn't deny worrying over his other half.

"I'm fine just a little tired."Az said as he gulped down the juice. "How's Heinz? Is he better now?" Az questioned clearly worried about his mate's best friend, the last he had remembered was Heinz still lying unconscious before he himself fainted from exhaustion.

"He's fine, woke up a little earlier and is definitely as confused as everyone else is." Caden asked unable to hide his curiosity in his voice but it came off sounding as though he was pissed off.

"That's good to hear. Um how long have I been out for?" Az continued asking trying to delay the interrogation he was due.

"You've been out for nearly two hours." Caden replied with a straight face.

Az squirmed in the bed trying to escape the gaze of his mate. He didn't want to tell his mate about him just yet when they had so much to already deal with. He released a sigh knowing there was no escape from it and that he had to lay it all out.

"I've got a lot to explain huh?"Az asked no one in particular.

"I'll let you compose yourself. When you're ready to talk we'll be in the living room." Caden said as he turned around and left the room closing the door behind him.

"I'm honestly scared about their reaction Novak. I didn't want to make it as though I was lying to them on purpose when I told them about my past." Az said as he pulled at his hair in frustration.

"I know Az, but its understandable that they'll take some time to come to terms with it, after all for them what we are is no different than being a myth." Novak sighed sadly.

"What if it turns out that the Rogues were really after me only and I dragged them in because of me? Will they give me away to them?" Az rambled off his worries.

"Have some faith in your mate and future pack Az. I'm sure they are not as heartless as you are making them seem." Novak reassured Az.

"Lets get this over with." Az said as he took another deep breath and got out from the bed. He was still feeling a little wobbly but could manage for now.


The living room became dead silent as soon as Az walked in. Everyone seemed to be looking at him with curious eyes. He felt like he was naked under all the eyes that were on him. Caden sat along with Heinz and Amy on one couch while Daniel and Victoria were seated in the opposite couch. Even Marcus was present but he was standing beside the couch Daniel was sitting in.

"Thank you for saving me Az."Heinz broke the silence once again as he got up and hugged Az.

"You're welcome."Az whispered back.

"I wasn't prepared to die just yet, I have so much to live for."Heinz joked effectively lightening the mood of the room just a little.

"Um I'm sure you all have many questions about me and first of all I'm really sorry for keeping it away from you all but please believe me when I say that I had my reasons." Az said with pleading eyes to the people of the room. He was still feeling a little dizzy.

"Please take a seat Az, then you can tell us everything from the start." Caden said as he got up to help Az to a seat.

Az sat down and took a moment to compose himself before basically putting his heart out on the table. "it'll be alright Az, I'm with you all the way." Novak encouraged him from within.

"I'm a Spirit Wolf."Az started and that seemed to suck the air out for the rest of the people in the room.

"You mean to say you are the direct descendants of the Royal Pnevma Wolves?"Daniel raised his question, "The one from the legends?"He continued.

"Yes, I'm a Spirit Wolves and so were my parents, I'm a pure blood. For generations my kind lived in silence basically avoiding all contact with the werewolf world. But my Grandpa Darien was different, he loved interacting with your kind and that is mainly the reason why my parents were comfortable with living in Blackwood Town. Everything I told you about the Blackwood Pack is true....I only left out the detail that I am a Spirit Wolf."Az said as he took in another breath. He lifted his gaze to meet the people in the room and only saw utter disbelieve and surprise.

'So you have a wolf spirit in you? But why do you smell only like a human?"Amy asked.

"Yes, his name is Novak. My wolf has a pure white fur coat. Um Novak hides my aura around people hiding my scent from everyone giving me the scent of a human." Az answered.

"Why would you keep this from us after learning about us?" Victoria raised her concern.

"When the Blackwood pack was massacred, Matthew, who was another Warrior Spirit Wolf and my trainer back then, investigated the area for the first few weeks before the news had spread out. After the attack I had moved to live with my Grandma Lucy, he found out that that the target of the attack was me and my family. We the Chasin family was targeted because of being Spirit Wolves, but the main reason why they succeeded in the attack were due to the fact that someone in the pack had leaked this information. Only the Alpha and Luna of Blackwood Pack knew about this but the Luna had died in the tragic attack ten years ago so it only left the Alpha. When I first saw the disaster I thought even the Alpha had died along with my parents because his body also was never found along with my parents. I know my parents di..passed because we Spirit Wolves are connected by our wolf spirit's bond, the bond broke that day."Az said as he took in breaths to calm himself down.

"When I saw Jack Blackwood, the Alpha, again, memories came flooding back. My parents and those I considered family were killed because of who I was and I hated it. After I finally moved here my trust was already broken and knowing about who I was only seemed to bring trouble along and so I never said anything about it I'm sorry."Az said as he held back the tears that were almost on the brink of falling.

Another moment of silence lingered in the room, everyone seemed to be processing what had been just said and the silence only stretched further.

"So you couldn't trust us could you?"Caden said getting up. "I held back telling you about who I was because I thought you didn't knew about my kind when you clearly do. You knew you were in trouble but you kept it from us..You knew damn well that we could've helped you but you still chose to keep it from us. WHY? WHY couldn't you trust me your mate with protecting you? WHY did you have to bottle up all these by yourself? WHY?" Caden shouted lost in his rage. He was literally pissed off with the whole situation and the events of the day only fueled his anger at the moment.

Az cowered away seeing his mate look at him with so much anger. It broke him knowing that he caused it all. He could feel the pain, anger, frustration and feeling of betrayal from Caden and it only made him feel worse.

Caden slammed the glass table shattering the glass as he turned around and rushed out the door, fuming with anger. He still couldn't believe his mate would have kept such a big secret from him when he clearly knew that his life could be in danger and that he could have helped protect him.

Az could no longer hold back the tears and they began falling as he watched the front door slam and Caden disappearing from his view.

The one person who he thought would understand him, the one person for whom he was ready to break the 'forbidden rule', the one person who he was ready to give his heart to, that one person had just walked away.....      


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