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Az got out of his car as he headed out to start another day in Pine Hill Academy. He had earlier woken to an empty house as his Grandma had left for the Council meeting and would be returning late in the evening. She had been kind to prepare him breakfast though which he happily devoured. Though when he left the house he couldn't help shake off the feeling of being watch but he left thinking he was being paranoid.

"Good Morning Az." Amy cheerfully greeted him as she made her way towards him.

"Good morning Amy."Az greeted back politely with a smile.

"Ahhh.."Amy squealed happily. "So have you decided to talk more now?"

"I guess so." Az said scratching the back of his head.

"I'm so happy.., come on lets go in" Amy said as she pulled his hand along, which Az happily complied.

"I'll meet you in class; I have to meet Mr. Thornton to submit an assignment."Amy said as she headed towards the teachers office.

"Okay." Az replied as he made his way to his locker.

He was surprised when he saw someone standing with their backs facing his way in front of his locker.

As he approached closer he already knew who it was from the heavenly scent that came his way and so did Caden as he turned and met Az's eyes.

"Hey there, I'm Caden. Caden Durwood." Caden greeted Az.

"Hey, Aziel Chasin but call me Az." Az said as he shook Caden's hand. Sparks flew through both of their bodies as they touched and a feeling of fondness found its way into their hearts. Turbulent ocean blue eyes met stormy grey ones as they both gasped and withdrew their hands.

"Um..so how's the school for you?".Caden asked trying to shift the minds from the moment they just shared all the while mentally face palming himself at his question.

"It's great." Az replied, while Novak was holding back his laughter at Caden's awkwardness.

"So what's your first class?" Caden asked to continue talking to his mate...

"Art."Az gave a mono syllable response.

"Great, lets head there together then." Caden said as he let Az take the lead.

As they entered the class, Heinz was both surprised and happy seeing them together after what Caden had said yesterday.

"Hey, I'm Heinz, this dork's best friend." He introduced himself as he pointed to Caden when they came and took a seat.

"Hello. I'm Az." Az replied with a smile.

"Oh I know your name; someone here was gushing about you all night since he laid eyes on you yesterday." Heinz said in a sing song manner.

Az blushed at the comment, happy that his mate talked about him and also curious to what he had been talking about. Caden simply growled in response then faked cough to hide the growl which Az found ridiculously adorable.

Just then Amy entered the class with a huge smile which turned into one of confusion at seeing Az together with her future Alpha. Soon she nodded in understanding and simply took a seat near Az.

Az concluded that Caden must have told her through the mind-link.

"So you and him huh..."Amy whispered into Az's ear earning another growl from Caden. Az simply shook his head in amusement.

"Well, good morning class, today we'll be doing Symbolic paintings. And by that I mean paint anything that represents something dear or significant for you." Miss Grace said as she distributed papers across the class.

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